I really am seeing some similarities between what you are describing and what we recently experienced with our pond. One by one our fish started dying. Nothing all that remarkable in the way they were behaving prior to suddenly showing some lethargy, some isolation behavior but no signs of any infection or injury or irritation. As we started being more observant, we would see them about an hour before they would die come to the top and at the very end, gasp for air. Unfortunately we lost a number of fish either over night or during the early morning hours and we didn't see any of the behaviors until we had already lost 6 or 7 fish. We lost at LEAST one fish a day for seven days straight - on the worst day, we woke up to five dead fish - before we narrowed the possible cause down to internal parasites. We treated the pond with praziquantel (specifically PraziPro but I don't think the brand matters) - we lost a couple more fish that were already too far gone before we treated the pond, but the die off stopped after that. All has been well ever since. Sadly we lost half of our fish, but we are confident we landed on the right solution as we haven't lost a fish in a few weeks now.
I'm not saying this is for sure your issue, but I was getting some real sense of deja vu reading your posts. Just like you, our water tested fine, we ruled out contamination, couldn't see any visible signs of anything wrong with the fish AT ALL - even dead, they looked perfect.