Oh yeah! She didn't have this Pond Forum, and I learned while I was in AZ after her knee surgery, that she didn't do ANY research, just decided she wanted a pond, had someone design and build it for her and now she will have major issues. Of course, she's selling her house, so wants me to design her next pond. That was AFTER her "koi guy", came to fix her skimmer, and he and I figured out how her pond was plumbed. Yeah, she has NO idea how her pond is done incorrectly. She's one of those "know it all" types, and I just thought she knew what she was talking about. Not so. And, she told me just today that when she closes on their house they are going to buy (they haven't even looked at houses in WI yet ...) she wants to "dig the pond the day after closing". I told her then forget about me designing anything. That's just crazy talking. You don't design and pond, and then look at the yard, it's the other way around. She can be on her own this time. I can give her pointers on how to plumb it at least. She couldn't even pull her bottom pump (which ran her filter, waterfall, fountain and skimmer ...) to clean it! It was hard plumbed at the bottom of her pond ... ON the bottom! What craziness, and she had no idea. When I told her it was wrong, she argued with me, but when her KOI GUY told her it was wrong, she agreed. LOL
Oh, get this. She told her buyer on her house in AZ (it's sold if all goes through) that her koi "know their names, and come when I call them". Really???? Come on!!! My fish swim to the side, any side, when I'm out there. Funny, I don't even call them by name ... it must be telepathy, wow, I have REALLY smart fish! Geesh ... she exaggerates everything. It's quite funny, really. My younger sister and I laugh about her all the time. And, she really thinks her fish know their names, too! That's the funniest part!
So, thanks GPF, for all your help along the way. I know my pond is far from perfect, but it sure helped me get most of the details correct!