If your pumps are like mine, Keith, the pump is fine, as long as it is in the water. When my pumps get stressed, either with getting clogged up or trying to push ice, they just shut down. My skimmer pumps have shut down and so has my big Laguna 4200. All have been fine. Just be careful not to turn it back on until the lines are free of ice, or at least enough that a good amount of water can be pushed through to thaw them out. If your pump is above ground and sitting in ice, then it may have been damaged. Good luck with that!
And, talking about not talking ... I went through that for the first 15 years of my marriage! He would get mad, I would have no idea why (usually, sometimes I knew, but was mad he was mad LOL) and then not talk, waiting for me to ask the magical question, "What's wrong?" Of course, the answer was always, "You should know!" Yep, I'm talking my husband quit talking and I was supposed to know what he was mad about. Geesh! The silence got longer and longer each time, as I got more bull headed not to break the silence, since he was the one that was mad, for whatever reason, and I didn't read minds. That's a terrible way to handle a marriage, I do know that, and taught both of my kids to never remain silent. If you have a problem, talk about it and get it out in the open, and then get over it!