OK, I'll try that, KG. Right now, though, my waterfall filter is not running, since my Sunterra pump shot craps. I have a Laguna on order, hope to get it by Monday, and will hook that up ASAP. The water in the filter is getting rank, even though I've added fresh water to it every other day. Wonder if that will hurt the fish, if I run water into it and let it run over the waterfall. I've also tried to freshen up the water in the pool right before the waterfall into the pond, hoping to keep the parrots feather alive and well. So far they look fine, but the water is getting cloudy in there, too. I had an extra pump, then built my goldfish pond. Should have bought another one, darn it. Using the air pump to push oxygen into the koi pond, and it's really "boiling" with the air infiltration, but besides the skimmer and bog, no filtration going on in there. Still pretty clear, although not optinum at this point either. Oh well, live and learn.
JW, I would have to put the plants in the garage to find them more than a few hours of shade, though. Even the north side of my house gets the late afternoon hottest sun, so not sure that would help them. BUT, I guess I could put them under my big white pine tree, where it's shady all the time! Think I'll give that a try!