My cheap Winter pond De-icer (testing it this winter)

May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
I don't think it makes sense to suggest more expensive solutions especially in very cold climates. Also don't think it makes sense to suggest a solution in climates that are not comparable at all. I don't think your suggesting heating a pond to +55F (to feed the fish) for climates that drop to -22F like it does where I live. I think it makes sense to promote cost effective solutions that work in all climates.


Aug 29, 2007
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Fallbrook, Ca USA
I didn't suggest anything. What I said was it is not our place to decide how much a person should pay to heat thier pond. What part of that didn''t you understand?
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
I guess I don't understand your role on this forum. You jump in and comment on how things should be done DIY and save money and the next day you're suggesting spending as much as you want even though cheaper alternatives exist. I'm having a hard time valuing your input when it's all over the map with no consistency.


Aug 29, 2007
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Fallbrook, Ca USA
I don't make judgements on how much a person wants to spend to maintain their pond. I also don't care how much it costs to maintain mine. I don't worry about KWH's or the gallons of water I use. I am not all over the place, in fact I am quite objective and protective of everyones position.

It is you that seems to be concerned. If a person wants to use a 300 watt heater, why do you care? It is not coming out of your pocket. if they can afford it and it brings them pleasure then I say go for it.

So please tell me how I am all over the place? And be specific, because you are on thin ice.


Married 32 years
Mar 7, 2009
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Tacoma, Washington / USA
I see nothing wrong with sharing our knowledge with each other, especially if it from experience and it works. I personally feel that it is not my place to tell someone how to manage their pond unless they specifically asked, and I feel I might have a plausable solution.

This forum has been an outstanding source of information, and I really appreciate how willing everyone has been in working the bugs out of my filtration system without being critical of how I set up my pond.
Jul 7, 2009
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North Carolina
I guess I can see it from both perspectives. Newday3000's point is a valid one and he's trying to point out that this may be a solution for some folks, but by no means all due to the potential of it costing someone in a colder climate a fortune. I think he's just trying to put that info out there so that subsequent readers can understand this fact. He's simply informing as a reference point. We have many guests and users here who may not understand how wattage translates into a large electric bill should somenthing like a heater never cycle off due to cold temps.

That being said, if after that information is passed on and someone chooses to still buy one of these heaters to keep their fish in toasty waters all winter, then that is surely their right to pay the cost of that if they are able and happy to. There are folks that give their dogs bottled water and filet mignon--I certainly wouldn't do it, but to each his own with their own pet (koi included).

Newday, your comment is nonethleless a good one for informational purposes to alert folks to energy consumption--for lots of folks that fact would matter. Should someone decide to push forward nonethelss after the info has been imparted, then it is their right to do as they wish with their pond. Vaya con dios.
Dec 11, 2009
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Newday3000 you have a lot to learn from others who post on these forums,you put your foot in before you engage your mind - but from what you have said about my post I am very glad I am not one of your fish.:biggrin:

As DrDave and others have said is if we wish to spend money on our fish by keeping the water temps up using a very good and cheap solution then what is that to you? Are you paying our electric bills?

We can help each other by truthfully giving honest opinions about pond equipment.

It is not good for fish to go below 2 degrees as this is a critical time for Koi.The fish are greatly at risk of ice crystals forming in their delicate gill membranes,and because water expands when it freezes,the crystals break the tiny cells in the gills and the Koi die.

Now go on,answer that,or are you one that goes out each Spring and buys more fish?

By the way I am a woman,and all my pets get the best treatment.IF I could not financially look after my fish,dogs,birds etc,then I wouldn't have them.Koi and all fish can suffer greatly,they are sensitive creatures that rely on us to care for them all the year around not just in the warm weather..
May 31, 2009
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Ottawa, Canada
The point of my thread (My cheap Winter pond De-icer (testing it this winter)) was a cost effective solution to maintain an open hole in the ice (not heat the water!!), in my climate which is much colder than where you live. Your post suggested you had a better solution that was cheaper and it's not.

My 11 watt solution is 2700% more efficient!!!!, plus the equipment is cheaper to buy. Not to mention this is a DIY post and you posted a more expensive store bought solution. Yes I could have bought a pond heater product and would likely need a 1200 watt version because it's much colder here than where you live. I opted for a cheaper solution.

As Koikeeper points out, I didn't want anyone reading the post to think a store bought 300 watt solution is equivlent because it's not.

As far as spending money goes. I don't care how much anyone spends but I don't want anyone suggesting that store bought 300 watt heater is cost effective and works in all climates which you implied. Most on this forum appreciate DIY solutions that work well for less money.

As far as ice crystals in gills is concerned, I wonder what fish do in Canada in the winter when everything freezes. I guess they all die according to you.
Apr 29, 2009
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Pacific NW
Hardiness Zone
United States
Nice project.
Your weather is very close to ours.
If you would cover your pond with 6mil clear plastic I don't think you would need anything else,
My pond temps stays at about 55 degrees in Jan. and Feb.
Even with that unusual low temps we had for about week the temps of the pond were 48 degrees,
newday3000 said:
I looked at pond de-icers and they are expensive and use way to much electricity plus they don't circulate any water or areate so I don't see the value in them.

I'm in Zone 5A and temp will drop to -31F or -35c for a couple of weeks or days in the middle of winter so it doesn't get much colder than this.

I have input from others in my zone that the solution is simple to keep ice open with only a pump aimed at the surface.

I put this together using the following pieces
- Aquaclear 50 pump 11watts
- aquarium airpump 1 watt
- riser for undergravel filter (pre-filter for the power head so it doesn't clog (already happened since I dropped it into the pond)
- also added outdoor electical box to keep the air pump and extension cord under the deck in a water sealed box.

Pic's of the pieces and assembled solution
Siliconed power head adaptor to riser tube to ensure it doesn't fall off in the middle of winter under the ice.

full assembly with airstone tie wrapped to the powerhead power cord to keep it in 1 place.

sealed box with air pump and electricty

working in the pond waiting for ice, it's sit's on the plant shelf 12" under the water so it doesn't draw warmer water from the bottom of the pond where the fish stay.

Will post how its working once I get ice, which can't be far off now.
Oct 20, 2009
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WIchita Kansas
DoDad said:
Nice project.
Your weather is very close to ours.
If you would cover your pond with 6mil clear plastic I don't think you would need anything else,
My pond temps stays at about 55 degrees in Jan. and Feb.
Even with that unusual low temps we had for about week the temps of the pond were 48 degrees,

My weather in Kansas does not get as cold as yours but still frozen over for weeks at a time. the 6mil clear plastic interested me. how does the gas exchange work? i have been wondering about a cover for the pond im building this spring. mine will be only about 1000 GL and along the side of my house. there will be a 12in high waterfall and a fountin that I'm debating about leaving them running thru next winter.


Married 32 years
Mar 7, 2009
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Tacoma, Washington / USA
Food for thought. I have seen a plastic type bubble wrap that was manufactured just for the use of covering swimming pools to help hold the swimming pool water temps, and save on heating costs.

Question for anyone that may have tried using this bubble wrap on their pond to keep the water temps from changing to much. Or would it really matter? I would imagine if a person was to use the bubble wrap floated on the surface of thier pond in conjuntion with a water heater it just might help keep a pond from freezing in those zones where the temps really drop in the winter.

Has anyone tried using the swimming pool grade bubble wrap on their pond?
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
North Carolina
I would be afraid of that bubble wrap sinking and a fish twisting about in it. I would imagine you could put it over your PVC igloo tho as an insulator if you lived in really cold temps.

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