the problem is you've got your pipes up really high on the barrel already. You need to get the overflow just above your waterfall outflow pipe. and it looks pretty high already to fit a 2" pipe.
That's why I suggested that you turn your inflow pipe (which is the highest one at the moment), into your overflow pipe, and then have your inflow come in at the bottom of the barrel (or at least lower).
I'm sure when you saw your previous version and your barrel started overflowing you could imediately see the benefit of an overflow pipe.
You would do one of two things, you'd either have the pipe flow straight the pond, so if it overflows the water returns safely into the pond OR you can tee it into your waterfall pipe so that it would still exit there. I would opt for a pipe straight to the pond personally, because if your filter overflows, it will already be pouring out of the waterfall pipe, too. I wouldn't go smaller than 1.5 inches for an emergency pipe.