I'm not shy, and dont mind chatting details, but worry about grossing out the guys LOL ...
My only issue was my FLOW was constant for 3 months straight. Lots of tests, feeling like a lab rat ...Was talking about ablation to solve the problem ... There was a concern with the papsmeer results (but not enough so that I am worried about it - some atypical grandular cells, but rules out ablation) ,,, Uterine biopsy also done, and clear ... So was a pelvic US ... clear except for a cyst on an ovary ... they want to do another pelvic US in two weeks for another look at just that ... not worried, have a history with them... colposcopy in two weeks for a closer look at the atypical grandular cells ...and an outpatient surgery to be scheduled to remove a uterine polyp they couldnt twist off in the office ... The major hot/cold flashes and cramping are being caused by the progesterone (along with other side effects while my body adjusted to it) .. Stopped the "unscheduled" bleeding. So since it did work, now the doc wants to switch to the provera ...
Now if you really want to laugh your ass off ... Doc called in the script ... I was driving, so hubby went in to get it for me ... pharmasists asks him if he has any questions about taking this med ... he says yes, if he is so high on percs (joke, he cant take any pain med/no tolerance LOL), and mistakes the provera for the perc, will he start lactating??? The poor girl was soooo confused ... looked down at what the script was and was like wait a minute, these arent for YOU .... (Provera is just another form of progesterone LOL)