Wow what a busy day! I'm sore, but happy with the results. Today I finished digging the trench for the electrical, got everything wired up to the breaker box, filled in that trench I worked so hard to dig out, and got the pumps plugged in to the new GFI outlets next to the new pond. Whew! Tomorrow I plan to start digging the river and a trench for the pipes running between the pumps and the filters. Really anxious to get the river bed dug out, because once that is finished, I'll be moving all the smaller fish into the new pond.
And now for the answer to the question I bet you didn't know you asked... When building a biofilter, there is always the issue of how to elevate the swirler pipes off the bottom of the barrel, especially if you want to keep the center open for drainage. Today I found the answer!
These are plastic hangers, used for suspending PVC pipe. Pretty cheap, these were only about $7 for a bag of 10. Used in pairs, crossed over each other, they make quick stands for the pipes...
I used a piece of copper wire, run through the holes in the legs, to hold them together in the X shape. They are a bit tall, standing around 8" off the ground this way, so I plan to cut down the height by a couple inches. The great thing is, they're solid enough to hold up the plastic bio-media (although I don't think they would work for lavarock), and they leave the bottom of the barrel completely uncovered.