Stick a fork in me, I'm done. My hands are raw and cracked and my body is ready to fall apart. Good thing I won't have time to work on the pond this weekend, maybe I can recover...
So all the pipes are done, the electrical is pulled (but not hooked up), and the trenches are all filled in. Both filter barrels are set in place, and the dirt is packed up around them. I used some of the extra dirt to smooth out the low area in the yard which should help direct rain runoff once I get some new grass growing. So here's another picture of the whole pond area, with the ground fairly cleaned up compares to the last shot...
After the barrels were set in place, I had to fill in about 8" of dirt around them, and rebuild the wall in front of them to support the waterfall bricks. I made ample use of all that clay I dug up, plus some water and a dead-blow hammer to really pack down the clay. On top of that I laid a 2x6 cedar plank and leveled it out. I also had a sprinkler head that needed put up on a 3' pipe so it will clear the top of the filters.
Before filling the trench back in, I sunk a 2' cedar plank into the ground to attach this new electrical outlet to. Makes a solid mounting point for the box, and I can plug in lights or extra pumps here, out of the way.
After moving around the biofilters today, there was a lot of crud in the water. I hope it settles out overnight and gets trapped in the filters, otherwise I may have to do a severe water change to prevent losing any of the little fish.
So Monday I will be working on cutting the carpet to line the large pond, and finishing any other prep-work so we're ready to drop in the liner in the afternoon. I also need to put up a piece of plywood behind the filters so that as I build the waterfall, I can fill the space behind with dirt. I think I'm going to use the liner to form a small pool at the top of the falls, in between the filters, so the dirt-filled area will make a good solid base for that to sit on.
Whew, I'm tired!