i ended up using 4 fine mesh laundry bags from Bed and Bath. cost $4.99 ea. compared to $11-12 apiece for pond shop offerings i'll check Dollar store next time to see those. definitely like the screen idea for floating plant rings. i had given up on floating plants cause the Koi love them too much.
very interesting about oyster shells. my oh my how things have changed. we lived in New Orleans for 7 years when i was a kid and they used crushed oyster shells for the non-paved roads. didn't seem to affect bike tires but darn sure didn't walk far on them barefoot.
as for protecting oyster beds and other environmental protections i fear it's nearly too late. oh, the aquaculture industry is growning by leaps and bounds and is setting up fish/shrimp/oyster etc. farms. but the wild oceans are under seige from 7 billion humans and growing. big as they are they don't stand a chance. I applaud any legitimate (i.e. not a wolf is sheep's clothing) efforts on the part of our government to protect and enhance our environment. there is always a cost in change and no body wants to pay that. problem is, we have to take things to the brink of extinction to develop attempts to protect whats left, e.g. Brazilian Rosewood. Or 25,000 elephants killed last year by machine guns and rocket propelled grenades for their ivory tusks. nearly unendurably sad.