@GBBUDD my hubby and I just got through watching the whole documentary show on youtube about that White Family. Wow what a bunch of crazy losers! I think you are lucky to have not been too involved w/that accident you had w/her. Her family might have been out for your blood just for the heck of it!
The scariest part is there are MANY FAMILIES just like them out there. The things i saw would break your heart, turn your stomache as well as make you outraged. Go into some of these hollas and you literally may not come back out. '
The drugs, the poverty is eye opening. Burning trash piles in the front yard , now I'm not talking leaves and limbs, i'm talking tide bottle the plastic tricycle, all the house hold garbage, All the while a 3 year old blondie is using this pile to play with his Tonka truck.
We would see at least one house fire weekly, now in a big city that's nothing new but in the country that's a bit odd. Came to the realization some of it was probably a kitchen fire or an electrical issue. but i'd be willing to bet a little more than half was the neighbors forcing some of the riff raf out.
At the x mass party i was designated driver and on the way back the other couple wanted to stop at a convenience store when we parked the wife started to get out of the car when another pulled in as they did so she got a good look at them with meth sores all over them and it had effected them iin the walk everything very sad. the wife then said she passed she'd wait until the morning to comeback as she was afraid they'd eat her. Her actual words.
i tried to find a picture i have of a pickup truck where the inner strands of the tire were not just showing a little due to a unbalanced tire. but this tire was almost split in half the rubber was literally separated 3/4 of the way AROUND the tire. Even if this was a farm truck that had to be a rough ride
Again also met some fantastic folks out there but you didn't need to keep them in your thoughts when you headed down a dirt road at the end off a halla, but you sure did want to remember the Whites WHEN YOU DID SO....