In desperate help. Fish wont survive In my pond

May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Flowery Branch ga
Hardiness Zone
United States
Seriously if you I'd start over, Pull that liner, and put down a fish safe one. This is the only way you will fix this problem. Part of the fun and woah of ponding is find out what went wrong. You found out whats wrong by doing all the necessary steps. You now have only one culprit and its time to fix it!
I hope you pull it out and replace it! Good luck!


Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
@Lindsaykay Here's another suggestion that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Contact the company that sold you the liner and ask them about chemicals that would be harmful to fish. I realize that they might not be 100% forthright, but you can try.


Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
@Lindsaykay I posted [see above note] in another forum called KIOPHEN. They have asked that you join their group [just like ours] and post to their "emergency/illness" topic. They have a committee of members who are quite knowledgeable dealing with all sorts of fish illnesses and various problems that effect the health of our fish. I was told to tell you that "they don't bite." Just be sure to tell them EVERYTHING -- all information is vital. Please let us know what you find out from them, even if it comes down to this being all about the liner.
May 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
Im worried it may be the material. Can you test your water for bad chemicals before we start all over?

Yes its wise to b sure 1st since its costly to replace, I was reading others experiences , someone suggested to test a piece of linner in an aquarium/container with feeder fish or call manufacturer , someone said they had toxic liner ,it wud kill all fishee in 2 days ,see link

, if its realy the cultprit then u can still use this old linner for water garden

When did u change all of its water? May b shud try that too if any contamination from fertilizer or pesticide or surface of the liner had any coating
May 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
[QUOTE. Mmathis, post: 314823, member: 3238"]Agreed! Just giving the OP insight as to WHY we seem to harass them so much with all of our questions, LOL![/QUOTE]
I dont thinks its about quesitioning but smone wws too emotional among us upthere lol itws wrong but we know intention wsnt bad behind but still need to b nice


Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
According to what I read the roof liner is not fish safe.

Experiment. Buy some goldfish, put them in some holding tank with you pond plants, and pump the way you have in pond. I'm betting they will thrive in the tank. Put water from pond only in tank. Doesn't have to be fancy, a cooler a plastic container will work. My emergency tank is my lawn cart lol.

If the fish live a few weeks, eat and thrive, it's the liner. Don't use feeders for this experiment, they are prone to die anyway
Sorry, but I don't advocate "experimenting" with live fish.


Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
@Lindsaykay Here's another suggestion that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Contact the company that sold you the liner and ask them about chemicals that would be harmful to fish. I realize that they might not be 100% forthright, but you can try.

My husband is the roofer and supplied. We have heard of others using it. At this point if its my liner we will have to wait till next year. Its been to big of a project to start completely over. I do have two water beatles who are thriving though. how can they be fine but fish not?


Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
@Lindsaykay I posted [see above note] in another forum called KIOPHEN. They have asked that you join their group [just like ours] and post to their "emergency/illness" topic. They have a committee of members who are quite knowledgeable dealing with all sorts of fish illnesses and various problems that effect the health of our fish. I was told to tell you that "they don't bite." Just be sure to tell them EVERYTHING -- all information is vital. Please let us know what you find out from them, even if it comes down to this being all about the liner.

Thank you hon i appreciate you taking the time to do that.


Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
OK, I have NO IDEA why everything below is showing up with the strike-through! Please disregard that!!

Yes, please give us the numbers! @Lindsaykay I know you said in a previous post that you trusted what the pond guy told you regarding your results when he said they were normal, but WE don't know your pond guy! For us to give you advice, we really need to know what the actual numbers are. That's where getting your own test kit would be helpful. And you said your water has been sitting in the pond for a while, so you weren't concerned with chlorine [it does dissipate].

So, please NO MORE FISH until we get some water results! Get back with us ASAP!

She has already taken care of this and is painfully aware of the consequences to her fish. Please be nice. We are trying to help her.
Im sorry i didnt realize i missed a whole page!! I was going back rereading everythig and missed tons of messages. Ill be buying a kit after this weekend its my birthday and my kids bday so im low on money. But will let you know when i get it


Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
Okay so its not he pump anymore, and your test are acceptable.
One thing that can cause an over night kill is PH crash. PH can read differently in night and in the morning, in deep in shallow
But they will die slowly and the first signs, they will do nothing but sit there and in most cases, no all will die some will live
Amonia can also kill off a pond, but your numbers are good you say.
Also, ITS HOT these days. Taking the first out of conditioned water and putting them in very hot water will kill them.
The only other thing I can think of, someone is poisoning your pond.

I went back and re-read, I think your problem, since every other parameter was covered, is the roof liner, heres an clip I found in an article explaining why you should use it

Another difference between roofing liner and pond liner is that roofing liner is treated with antibacterial compounds and the pond liner is not. The roofing liner has the treatments necessary to keep fungi and other pollutants from growing on the roof surface breaking the liner down prematurely whereas the pond liner needs to promote bacterial growth as a benefit to the pond.

You need to take that stuff out, re-line with a proper liner, and I bet the fish live

If my pond is ruffly 8x11 and 2 1/2 feet deep how much is that liner (again ruffly) going to cost me?


Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
Yes, @Lindsaykay, [ and "@" to everyone who comes here with a problem, asking for help..... ]. Please don't get frustrated with our questions.....give us a chance to help. Through experience here, we have learned that the main cause of pond "disasters" relates directly to water quality issues. Most of the people who come to us for help are pond-newbies. They have very limited experience and knowledge, and in a lot of cases they have already been given incorrect or questionable advice. And [believe it or not] a lot of people who post have "tunnel vision" regarding their problem which puts them in denial so they aren't willing to accept our help [or we get tunnel vision when we only see one point of view, when there could be alternate possibities to consider]. So, the obstacles and challenges for us, GPF members, are:
  1. To get as much accurate information as possible about your pond -- and we ask and repeat questions because we know things to look for that might not seem important to you [universal "you"]. And we're not there -- you are.
  2. to decipher the information; cull the relevant info from the non-relevant info (then follow a somewhat "scientific method" approach to interpret and draw conclusions)
  3. To overcome "tunnel vision" and bias [yours and/or ours]
  4. To offer ways to reverse whatever the problem was [based on #'s 1 & 2] so you can save your fish
  5. To encourage the new member to learn as much as possible about pond care and fish-keeping [but this can ONLY happen once they get past #3]. We love our hobby :love:, and, well, basically, that's our goal for YOU, as well!
And by helping you, WE, the GPF members learn and grow. Because even though the root of the "problem" is usually caused by inexperience and lack of knowledge, every situation, every pond is different -- there isn't a cookie-cutter approach. Which leads back to #1 above.

We also learn a lot from helping the not-so-newbies who join. These are the knowledgeable and experienced folks who pop up with that odd situation that is rarely dealt with. In pond/fish-keeping you are always learning :bookworm:, and we learn so much from each other!!!

There are people (not you) who are in this hobby for the wrong reasons and have no regard for the lives of their fish -- YES, we really do see that! Well, there is nothing we can do for them..... :( except hope that they find a new hobby! VERY, VERY frustrating for us :mad:, which might unintentionally cause us to come across as rude or uncaring :(.

It was never you guys at all. I dont mind the many questions it helps alot. it was just an off hand comment about my "junk" and why i am even asking such a ridiculous question about the pump problem. But moving on i was just making it clear im not interested in being snapped at. Everyone taking the time to keep coming back to this post and trying to help is extremely appreciated. I hope to have this as a pond i can enjoy for years and have fish i can love and not lose. Ill do what i must. I will be getting those numbers as soon as i can. I have a few birthdays to get under my belt and ill go back to stressing about my pond :(


Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
Yes its wise to b sure 1st since its costly to replace, I was reading others experiences , someone suggested to test a piece of linner in an aquarium/container with feeder fish or call manufacturer , someone said they had toxic liner ,it wud kill all fishee in 2 days ,see link

, if its realy the cultprit then u can still use this old linner for water garden

When did u change all of its water? May b shud try that too if any contamination from fertilizer or pesticide or surface of the liner had any coating
I changed it in june i think

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