Stick with us
@Lindsaykay - this is generally a friendly, helpful group! It can be hard to convey emotion in writing, but rhe intent here is always to help resolve issues.
@Lindsaykay, [ and "@" to everyone who comes here with a problem, asking for help..... ]. Please don't get frustrated with our questions.....give us a chance to help. Through experience here, we have learned that the main cause of pond "disasters" relates
directly to water quality issues. Most of the people who come to us for help are pond-newbies. They have very limited experience and knowledge, and in a lot of cases they have already been given incorrect or questionable advice. And [believe it or not] a lot of people who post have "tunnel vision" regarding their problem which puts them in denial so they aren't willing to accept our help [
or we get tunnel vision when we only see one point of view, when there could be alternate possibities to consider]. So, the obstacles and challenges for us, GPF members, are:
- To get as much accurate information as possible about your pond -- and we ask and repeat questions because we know things to look for that might not seem important to you [universal "you"]. And we're not there -- you are.
- to decipher the information; cull the relevant info from the non-relevant info (then follow a somewhat "scientific method" approach to interpret and draw conclusions)
- To overcome "tunnel vision" and bias [yours and/or ours]
- To offer ways to reverse whatever the problem was [based on #'s 1 & 2] so you can save your fish
- To encourage the new member to learn as much as possible about pond care and fish-keeping [but this can ONLY happen once they get past #3]. We love our hobby
, and, well, basically, that's our goal for YOU, as well!
And by helping you, WE, the GPF members learn and grow. Because even though the root of the "problem" is usually caused by inexperience and lack of knowledge, every situation, every pond is different -- there isn't a cookie-cutter approach. Which leads back to #1 above.
We also learn a lot from helping the not-so-newbies who join. These are the knowledgeable and experienced folks who pop up with that odd situation that is rarely dealt with. In pond/fish-keeping you are always learning

, and we learn so much from each other!!!
There are people (not you) who are in this hobby for the wrong reasons and have no regard for the lives of their fish -- YES, we really do see that! Well, there is nothing we can do for them.....

except hope that they find a new hobby! VERY, VERY frustrating for us

, which might unintentionally cause us to come across as rude or uncaring
