Thanks again for all your help. Unfortunately I had done that before I even started this thread. I thought I had it figured out on 3 separate occasions.. coincidentally that’s once in each element of the pond. First suspect was the waterfall then the waterfall plumbing even dug up the piping from the pump all the way to the waterfall.. all good then used a bypass hose to keep the whole system going but take the waterfall out of the loop. Then I bypassed the bog and that’s where I thought I found it because everything stayed up , put it back in the loop and the label went down again. I emptied all the gravel from the bog and next day it was half full again… how. No rain or anything… how! Lol anyway, I typed it up and it seems to be stating that way so it was either the gravel was higher than the liner (which it was a little) and water was whicking on the gravel or somehow the water lever was getting hugger than I can fill it to now and the problem is there. Anyway going to build my under gravel manifolds and put it all back together…fingers crossed