MT, I have a few lilies that were not put firmly enough back into pots, figuring I would be tossing them or mailing them, and they are growing just fine! I did mail them off this week, though, and one of them had at least 3 blooms on it. Leaves were not really long stemmed, since it was floating on the surface, but the plants were really healthy looking. And, I have a pot that fell off of a shelf, landed face up on the bottom of the pond, and it's growing just fine. Takes a little longer for the leaves and blooms to reach the surface, but it's doing fine.
Hey, I just thought of something! Wondering if that is one of my GA Peach lilies, and the reason I'm not seeing any blooms is because it's too deep! I'd better get that sucker pulled up higher, just in case! Been hot here all week, in the 90's but only high 70's this weekend. Water should still be plenty warm to get into the ponds, though. Need to groom lilies, pull all the dead leaves and bud stems off.