You're very lucky, Pondlover, to have this forum! You will get pointers left and right throughout your build. And, you are asking some super questions so early on as well. Keep asking, and the experts will keep answering!
As proof, I just built my first ever pond this past May. I had started out wanting it about 6x10 and it ended up getting MUCH larger the more I read on this forum, and the more fun I ahd digging. It ended up to be pretty much 20x10. The worst part of the change was the cost of the liner. BUT, I found that, at least where I live, there was no shipping expense and the local lumber yard delivered the size liner I wanted right to my door. And, whatever size I ended up getting (my pond is 48" in the middle, 42" on each side), I was able to move it all by myself ... well with the hand use of my utility tractor and loader. I'm only 5', so that was quite a feat, but where there's a will, there's a way. I rolled the folded up bundle onto the scoop, drove it to the yard, unloaded it, and opened it up. Then, I meticulously folded it so that when I lowered it into the pond, I hoped to be able to unfold it lenghwise, and then widthwise, and have it close to where I wanted it. I have no idea how I got so darn lucky, but it was EXACTLY where I needed it to be! I hope you have as much luck in that regard as I had.
And, as everyone keeps harping on you, go bigger! I already am planning to add to my pond, but make a separate pond, hopefully with a stream in between the two ponds, and maybe a small bridge over the stream, and separate my goldfish from the koi. I realize if the water is flowing from one pond to the other, the possibility of baby fry moving from one to the other is there, but it may be more of an artificial stream (water pumped over the edge, rather than flowing naturally), so that may help with the baby movement.
Believe me, once you have a few koi, you will want more, and the more you have, the bigger the pond needs to be. Good luck, and keep posting pics. I'm loving watch your build!