Yes, Fishy, we all want to watch it progress!!!
HBL, if you have 2" around to use for the bog, then you can adapt up to that. Or, you can use whatever size you want, as long as the pump will push the water through it. I think an advantage of the larger PVC is that it has more room for water to go through, just in case things get pulled into the pump and pushed into it. Be sure to have a cap or plug on the end, where you can open it and flush it if need be down the road. And, put the holes in it on the bottom, so gravel and gunk down work their way into the holes from the top! Bring on the digging! I looked back and the digging didn't take long, and if you have help, you should be able to knock out the digging in a weekend, and then put it all together the next weekend.

See how easy that makes it sound?! LOL Good luck! Also, if you are putting plants in there, or even if you just decided to use it for filtration the end of this year, it really doesn't matter. It's just like adding a filter, you already have cycled water to run through it. And, when you shut it down for winter, it will be ready to go full force in the spring, when the algae is the worst!