Hello from Australia

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Struth there goes the neighbourhood the Australians have arrived gidday Jase Mate hows fishkeeping down under lol.
To tell you the truth I already know as I regulary chat with a fellow Australian however this guy is a koi keeper .
Welcome dont mind the friendly banter between us all , we are a friendly bunch really we are .
Weve all been at this fastinating hobby of ours for now for some years, for us going on 27 years this new year.
So there is a mine of information here however one thing I will strongly recomend is to buy some books on the hobby as sometimes what you read on the internet isnt true or quite right at least with books they have to be spot on.

Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
Ha Ha, Thanks for the kind welcome Dave. :beerchug: seems like a super friendly forum here. I guess it is because of the non competitive nature of our hobby. I'm also a member of a radio control helicopter forum and that has blown me away how helpful people can be. Seems the same here.

Dave I would dearly love to own some Kois. but sadly the government of Victoria where I live have banned Koi :-( so I have to make do with some big shubunkens and pretend.

So so true about don't always believe what you read on the net. You can glean an amazing amount of info from the inter web and like minded folks as there are many ways to skin a cat but i usually read up, ask a lot of questions then take what i need and discard the rest.

My pond is soon due for a make over in next couple of months when i get some time but it's going great guns at the moment . Baby snails aplenty and golden Medakas with egg sacks swimming around. As somebody mentioned in an earlier post the rocks in my pond even though they look nice have done nothing but collect slime. So i intend to clean the pond out, take out all but a few rocks and replace with white gravel and get a pond pump/filter.
So i understand you should never 100% clean out the water in a pond as you throw away all the good bacterias etc. So if I kept aside 25% of the water to be added to the new tap water, cleaned all the slime and green stuff out and replaced the original water would that be ok?
Also will a pond pump/ filter keep the water any cleaner or is it more for water quality for the fish?

Maybe i should be making a new thread with these questions not sure.
Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Hi Jase so your in one of the koiless states of Australia eh mate suc a shame as your missing out on one hell of a fish , I can only suggest moving to one of the two states that allow them over there .
Those silly bastards in your government are really missing out on something here mate "totally KHV free koi", wheb the rest of the koi world is suffering through this disease the Aussy koi keeper is free of it but in th same breath those in government wish to intoduce it to Austrailia to rid itself of all the wild carp (cane toad comes to mind here).........
They could make a killing big style yet they risk infecting the only KHV free fish by doing this, such a darm shame perhaps someone should have a chat in the shell like ofthe Minister for fisheries .
The only book I can offer you on goldfish is one I have in our koi/fish health library some 27 years in collecting giving you title ISBN and Author the Vet who wrote it just also happens to be a koi Vet .
The books name is as follows Fancy Goldfish "A complete guide to care and collecting" ISBN 1859749577 by Dr Erik L Johnson DVM and Richard E Hess with Photographs by Fred Rozenzweig.
Fish Health Wise The Interpet Manual of Fish Health ISBN 184286074 by Dr Chris Andrews, Adrian Exell and Dr Neville Carrington this was my first ever fish health book and the book that started our 27 year hobby but it was then a Salamander book with Interpet buying them out at a later date, so I have both copies which are still very useful to us to this day.
The collection just hit the 70 book barrier and looks set to go on as we go on lol
My reasoning you have to have what you say about in books correct or you soon stop having a carreer as an Author so what weve created is a massive cross reference library of fish health knowledge by the way that last book has a Plymouth connection in Adrian Exell and Plymouth is my home port. (ex Her majesties Royal Navy).......
Remove the rocks by all means thats a great idea but leave the gravel mate your storing up no end of problems if you do it that way , just allow the bottom to get a green covering it looks natural that way and is far less hassle gravel is a trap for detritus and can harbour no end of nasties your worst being gram negative bateria .
Our Pond filters do exactly that, that is mechanically clean your water of all detritus a fish passes out the arse end but also produce helpful bacteria helpful to this clean up and for the pond itself and thus to the well being of your fish....
How many gallons imperial is your pond again , "sort term memory problems" sorry , ours is 1,000 gallons imperial we do a 30% water change on a weekly basis only (you never water change to 100% unless a dire emergancy calls for this to be done i;e pollutuon of the water by say weed killer or oil .....
Pump wise we clean that three times a year spring mid summer and late Autumn and give the filters a boost with Microbe-lift PL Filterpad innocculent gel which kick starts the process once again .
Thisroutine of water changes and filter cleans should keep your fish hail and hearty for the rest of their days and believe me when I say days a goldfish can if propperly looked after live as long as 40 years koi upwards to 80+ years .
As long as the algae isnt string algae I wouldnt worry about it , (look at it as the algae being one giant lung but made up from algae cells) which is good for your pond but remember its a plant and plants at night reverse and produce C02 instead so an air stone or two is required .
Our pond is normally spotless apart from green algea sides and bottom, koi love to destroy plants so we UK koi keepers go for a formal pond with no other plants,.
One tip I suggest Jase is to buy a couple of lined books and split them into different catagories Maintenamce of Pond , Maintenance of Filter , Maintenance of U/V-C Maintenance of Pump . Water Perameter readings Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ph, Kh, Gh and a final category for all fish health matters , you are in acctual fact building a data base you can eventually look back into to see where you had problems with water Perameters Fish Health changing your U/V-C etc if you get where I'm coming from with this oh and I know this may sound stupid buy yourself a generator to keep the whole pond ticking over in event of a powercut , they cost next to nothing nowadays our own is a Clarks 700 4 stroke but a small box generator 2 stroke will suffice to do the job .
Hope I've been of some genuine help to you here Jase "your thoughts please mate"..

Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
Catfishnut said:
Of course it does Addy, Jase is on the "conupside tinent"... the continent down under and on the other side of the world from us so you have to write upsde down and from right to left. It's like looking into a mirror you know.

The "conupside tinet" was a computer error, not my personal typo. I thought I would leave it in place because it sounded funny.


Jase (and everyone else following this thread). I wanted to update you on a computer issue that I had been experiencing. I am writing to this forum from an ACER laptop (ACER Aspire ONE). I found it difficult to compose a letter, a forum post or a word document without the computer cursor jumping all over the page. As I was typing, the cursor would move to some random location and my typing would continue from that point which would make my document totally confused. I thought I might have a virus, a software failure or a hardware failure causing this anomaly. I finally have figured it out!

This laptop has one of those "mousepads" which sense your finger tip movements over its surface and can do all sorts of interesting things like expand or collapse a picture or rotate it, etc. Not to mention the mundane feature of moving your mouse cursor about the current page.

This was causing me great grief because, evidentally, the pad is extremely sensitive. The way I was laying my hands upon the keyboard above to do my typing allowed parts of my thumbs and my palms at the base of my thumbs to either contact or come close enough to the mouse pad to relocate the mouse cursor on the screen.

I went into the control panel and disabled the on-board mouse pad (I use an external mouse anyway because I could never get used to using the finger-touch mouse pad). Now I have elliminated the random cursor relocation problem! Woo-Hoo!

This is the reason why I typed "The conupside tinent".... That was supposed to be "The upside down continent" when I started out.

I went searching for answers to this problem in computer forums and through Microsoft help lines to find multitudes of others complaining of this issue, but also dead ends for solutions for me. I thought about this mouse pad being a possible source of the error and the root cause, so I disabled it and it cured my dilemna! Ha Ha Ha! All it turned out to be is my big, fat lazy hands touching the built in mouse pad!

Thought I would post this just in case anyone else ever experiences this problem.

I'll turn it back on whenever I want to generate some humorous dialogue, hee hee!

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Gordy we have a chap called Jon for all that thingymagiby computer stuff or our IT guy as he likes to be called he's taken this PC from windows 95 right the way up to microsoft office 7 or whatever it's termed , most of the stuff in our PC once had a home in his and when he upgrades we get one too lol as to a mouse I hace a tracer ball mouse that oly I can appear to use as its too fast for others , harks back to my Naval days the tracer ball and I are old buddies hence its maximim setting :boldblue:

Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
Hey Dave,

No offense to Microsoft and Bill Gates and the clan there, but I would like to upgrade all my computers to windows 3.11

Hope you caught that simple vote of confidence from me on that issue. :)


Nawh, seriously.... Windows XP was the best!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
We have the same acer, hate the thing, ours jumps everywhere also. It sorts of sits now, honey uses his tabs instead of the acer.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I still use my Acer tablet, it is handy dandy and follows me everywhere dangerous.... like the tub! It can take a lot of use and abuse and it is how I first got started on the internet, now about two years ago. I have a better lap top but that thing cost me big bucks, so I don't drink coffee and type or invite that fragile laptop to the tub!!

This Acer tablet is not perfect, but it works and I can take it outside in the garden, by the ponds, in summer to have coffee.... something I really miss right about now!!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Our acer is a laptop, the touch pad is a pita, you are typing and next thing you know you are typing somewhere else. I can't use it I type with out looking, at what I am typing or where, which then makes a real mess. Cause that cursor went somewhere else.

His tablets work fine and easy everywhere, my new lappy is a lappy/tablet it also works great, so the acer laptop sits as a back up for last resort use............poor thing


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
I have an Acer Aspire one netbook also and I went to the mouse properties in control panel and set the Pointer options for
Motion right in the middle between Slow and Fast and no other boxes on the page are checked except HIde pointer while typing. My mouse was also going all over the page before I changed settings. I have no problems now. I love that little thing :cheerful:
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska

I don't recall what the sensitivity was set at on mine. I rarely ever used the pad, (I use an external USB mouse) so I just disabled the pad entirely and that worked great for me.
I can turn it back on when I head out to the river and haul it along. Then, I am just careful with my hands. I may try to adjust the sensitivity like you did, though, that is a good idea. I may have to turn it way down on mine because I really like to use that area as a sort of wrist rest and that doesn't work well in regards to the erratic cursor placement.

I really like this little "netpad" or "notebook" or whatever you would call it. It is just the right size to be portable enough, but still have a fair sized screen. (Acer Aspire One).


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