Well here is my humble pond. It has 9 goldfish of varying sizes with 3 of them at 5 inches. A small school of Danios. Or similar. not sure of their name, and a few snails.
In a real bright moment I excitedly buried the pond without looking at the sticker to see how much much water it holds but I guess around 300L.
So I have read that fish need 80g per fish? other people say its the inch of fish per water quantity. Going by that then my pond would only be good for one fish?? So looking at the pond would anybody say I have too many fish in there?
I keep the water clean and as far as you can tell with fish they look happy. Pretty active, not in the least shy, not agitated or sitting at the bottom depressed or anything.
My next move is to get a pump and filter set up and then to drop in a home made pond and cascade. So will have to do a bit of reading up on Pumps etc.
I used to consider myself an adrenaline head and lived life fast but now I can't wait to get home and hang with the fish :biggrin: