Sorry I've not been as active on the forums. Life happens, you know?
Pond Update: You can see where I've started building a path in front of the fence. it's packed road base and weed block cloth to various depths along there. I'll put a retaining wall separating the lawn (eventual pond area, hopefully) and the path from each other, then bring the path height up even with the top of the weed block cloth with tightly packed chat. I was also planning to make the retaining wall top even with the top of the existing rock wall to give a little bit of height to the bog area and provide a nice but small drop into the pond.
But...well.....crap. When I asked for Utility locating in November, the two that didn't respond were the two that had lines in the backyard. Comcast and CenturyLink. I had them come again because I knew from past location requests that the Comcast lines were under where I'm building a rock path in front of the fence and I knew that the comcast line was somewhere close to that, but every time I've called before they've only indicated the line close to the path for Century Link. They never indicated that line down the middle of the property.
Of course the locating service can't tell me how far down the lines are either.
So now my choices are:
1) make the pond only go halfway to the fence, stopping it at or before that never-before-revealed orange line and turning it into more of a wide stream than a pond.
2) dig the full depth of three to three and a half feet in the clear area and then very carefully dig towards the path/fence until I find the line in hopes that I can still make a good sized pond
3) dig in the clear area, mound the dirt from there onto the area where the wires are indicated and make a much higher bog area there, possibly with a bigger waterfall drop, which I don't love because I don't want a lot of noise - just the low bass of a smaller waterfall.
I'm also finding that I've got quite the dilemma with pond shape. As some of you pointed out, a square pond bordered by an L-shaped bog isn't very natural looking and that's bugging me more than it did when planning initially. I do have these goals that I still want to meet though:
1) Block the view of the south fence where the dirt path is.
2) be able to flip vines from plants growing in the bog over the existing rock wall so that the fruits and veggies on them can rest on soil instead of gravel and have less chance of rotting due to wet ground
3) have an ecosystem/garden based pond, not so much a swim/rec pond (filters submerged and pumping water into an upflow wetland where I can have fun growing different veggies, fruits, and flowers)
4) have the pond at least big enough that we can get in and cool off if we want
5) have the pond deep enough and keep enough water flowing that if we get below-zero in the winter the fish will still have water to swim in.
I've always planned an intake bay but I'm wondering if I can get by with just a skimmer instead.
I kind of like the idea of disregarding the "Build as big as you can or you'll regret it" advice since money is tighter than I expected and I'm still digging without machinery, but I do still want it to be big enough for water quality stability, a bog garden, and to get in and cool off when it's hot. Plus it makes that space awkward if we only use part of it. On the other hand, maybe I could put in some good shrubs or something to look nice and take up some space.
What would you do in my case? Anyone want to make suggestions on a design, preferably with pictures so I can see what you're thinking?