Here is the latest: Like so many others in the southeast, we are having RIDICULOUS amounts of rain. I think I'm growing moss on my head. It is crazy. Ever since we had an addition put on our house - 18 years ago - the grading of the ground out back has been wonky. We go through alternating periods of drought, though, so we will have years when rain is no problem. This year, though, we have it pooling up in inconvenient places and me digging the pond and building berms around the pond hasn't helped. The right thing to do is going to be a literal pain in the neck, back, arms, butt, etc. But the time to fix it is NOW, before I have everything all beautiful. I need to either dig a trench around the pond and put in perforated pipe directing the water to the back of the yard -- AND/OR dig a gravel well in the low spot, to give the water time to percolate out into the ground, rather than pooling up. Our lot is on high ground - we are up on a hill - so there's no danger of water coming up under the pond liner or anything, thank goodness. It's just a matter of giving the excess water somewhere to go till it seeps down into the soil and eventually ends up at the neighborhood creeks and low ground. But what a pain! I just want to be done with the grunt work and start doing the creative stuff!!!!!! But, since I haven't saved enough for rocks yet, I guess this will give me something to do in the meantime. Keeps me out of trouble!