After making peace with the idea that I should just go ahead and dig the hole I need to dig -- vs. dismantling and altering the aqua blocks -- I have been outside a couple of days, chipping away at the hardpan. This giant hole has not had a shovel involved at all. (Except to remove the sod.) I started with a mattock and have used a combination of sledgehammer and wedge, crowbar, and as of yesterday, a hammer and chisel. I feel like the Michelangelo of intake bay excavations... The ground out here was driven over repeatedly with a full sized bulldozer 18 years ago, for an addition to the house. It was scraped down to the southern equivalent of bedrock (super dry, compacted, hardpan clay) and then leveled with the dirt that was scraped (also clay) and smooshed, smashed, and squashed. It is packed hard and packed solid. At this point, I'm down to the pseudo "bedrock" and it's a matter of chip, chip, chipping away with the chisel. I'm almost there, y'all! I think I can technically fit the two blocks plus the pump vault, but I need to make sure I have a good 2 or 3 inches all the way around to accommodate folds in the liner and underlay. We are supposed to get 4 to 6 inches of rain in the next 3 days, though, (Yay. More rain.) so I will get to rest my arms for a while! (And the rain pools, then eventually drains out. It doesn't do a thing to make the digging any easier.) I know I'm being a whiner, but if anyone can relate to the enormity of this task, I know it's you folks. Just an update...