This was a rebuild of my existing pond. However, there weren't any restrictions to the site or accessibility to rock. I did negotiate on the price but the only thing we agreed he wouldn't do was plants. It was supposed to be a little bigger surface space wise and much deeper than what I had and it was supposed to have a nice waterfall that would provide a lot of nice waterfall sound. Like I said previously, I did ask for the falls to make as much waterfall sound as possible to replace the road noise. Other than it not being very big though, it was definitely not supposed to be a bargain build. If he couldn't build a complete, quality pond for the price we agreed to, he had no business agreeing to build it for that. So the overall price of the pond shouldn't have meant that I ended up with anything less than his best effort.
Below shows the basics of what was supposed to be done. Although, he didn't install any lights until 2 months later because they forgot to bring them originally and they only installed 3 not 5. They never did install the Aeration Device or Power head. The installer said it didn't need them.
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I've attached a few pics I took during the build.