Good Foods for Great Health


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Back in the day on my uncles farm, the pigs looks nice fat and happy with lots of space to run up in northern Alberta. Those pigs were really big too, and I remember when he butchered one fat pig there, hung it up by it's feet and slit it's neck, blood poured everywhere and the chickens came running to drink the blood and eat the guts!

Supper was extra tasty that evening, good thing I have a strong stomach, but my other sickly weak now vegan sisters were gaging!


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy for curing radiation exposure and cancer

If you have been exposed to any form of radiation, either for medical diagnostic purposes (fluoroscopy/mammography/other medical x-ray exams) or in the course of radiotherapy treatment, or if you are otherwise concerned by excessive radiation exposure, overload or poisoning (such as living near a nuclear reactor facility, working with diagnostic radiological equipment/in the nuclear processing industries/uranium mining/uranium or plutonium processing), or if you have been exposed to radioactive particles or higher ionizing radiation doses stemming from other sources such as depleted uranium (DU), testing of atomic weapons, frequent flights in higher altitudes, a nuclear disaster (radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear power plants) etc., here are a number of tips and suggested remedies how to naturally help your body excrete damaging radioactive elements (e.g. strontium and radioactive iodine) or detoxify their noxious byproducts such as free radicals as well as deal with radiation burns.

If you are having any kind of radiation treatments, macrobiotic is the cure. Macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness and cancer.
If you are diagnosed with cancer and you want to survive the cancer avoid any and all exposure to radiation treatment. Radiation treatment of any kind is what actually kills people diagnosed with cancer. Exposure to radiation causes a cascade offree radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Free radicals damages DNA, protein, and fats. Free radical damage has been clinically proven to be a major contributor to cancer. That being said, people don’t die of cancer, they die of radiation poisoning. The repeated exposure to radiation through so-called treatment overwhelms the body’s immune system. Cancer doesn’t cause hair loss for cancer patients, the radiation treatment is solely responsible for that. Cancer doesn’t cause weight loss, the radiation treatment causes that because it suppresses your appetite. Cancer doesn’t cause a cancer patient to become very weak and sick, the radiation treatment poisons the body and makes them very weak and sick.
According to Michio and Aveline Kushi, in his book Macrobiotic Diet, Michio Kushi states: ‘At the time of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D., was director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki. Most patients in the hospital, located one mile from the center of the blast, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but soon after came down with symptoms of radiation sickness from the radioactivity that had been released. Dr. Akizuki fed his staff and patients a strict macrobiotic diet of brown rice, miso* and tamari soy sauce soup, wakame and other sea vegetables, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets. As a result, he saved everyone in his hospital, while many other survivors in the city perished from radiation sickness.’”
In case you missed it the secret to surviving all forms of radiation exposure is sea salt. If you are concerned about the radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear plants disaster or if you had an X-ray (from hospitals and airport screening) or radiation treatments for cancer, soak your body in sea salt (not iodized table salt) baths to help pull out the radiation from your body.
If you were diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer and you were subjected to deadly radiation treatments gargling with baking soda mixed in water will help neutralize the radiation.
Baking soda is so powerful in curing radiation contamination that at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from the dirt; so far, York has removed as much as 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples. Still not convinced? Would it help to know that the United States Army recommends the use of baking soda to protect the kidneys from radiation damage.
Radiation is very toxic. Exposure to radiation of any amount is harmful to your body. Exposure to radiation through x-rays (hospitals and airport screening) or any of the so-called cancer treatments are the most dangerous source of radiation poisoning. X-rays and radiation cancer treatments are far deadlier than radiation fallout because the exposure is concentrated and frequent.
To pull the radiation poison out of the body, try bathing in half a cup of sea salt and half a cup of baking soda. Soak for at least 20-30 minutes, every day for three weeks or every other day for six weeks. . . or go on a vacation to the West Indies or South Pacific and swim in the ocean every day for three weeks! Why the Indies or South Pacific? Because of the higher concentration of sea salt. Where is the best place on Earth to go for curing yourself of radiation? The Dead Sea. The Dead Sea salt content is four times that of most world’s oceans. Sea salt draws the radiation out of the body.
Can’t afford to travel to the Dead Sea and cure yourself of the radiation poison from nuclear plant fallout, x-rays and radiation cancer treatment? A tiny pinch of good quality sea salt in several glasses of distilled water each day will provide one with all the minerals and trace elements you need to rid your body of the radiation and stay healthy.
Can’t stomach sea salt? The amino acid, cysteine also protects against the damaging effects of radiation by terminating the free radicals produced by ionizing radiation. Cysteine, together with methionine, cystine, and their derivatives, is numbered among the “sulphurated amino acids” due to the fact that these amino acids contain sulfur in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
food for thought...

First of all, it must be acknowledged that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that not only generates billions of dollars every year for itself, but also for local governments. So if it was common knowledge that something as simple as a $3 baking soda treatment could actually take the place of an industry $350,000 treatment, a devastating effect would be caused on the industry as a whole.
One of the major pioneers behind the alternative cancer cure theory using baking soda, is the Italian Doctor Tullio Simoncini, who believes that many forms of cancer (both local and remote) are of a fungi base, where the only remedy for their cure is therapy using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Although, these beliefs cannot be backed up by clinical trials, and relies solely on documented results of previous successes as evidence.
It is claimed that Simoncini has cured literally hundreds of cancer patients, primarily for throat, digestive tract, colon, rectal, intestine, and other cancers using sodium bicarbonate. Where the cancer has been caught early, and with a low incidence of metastasis (spread), 90% of patients have actually made a full recovery.
Because sodium bicarbonate is diffusible and holds no complicated structure, fungi can easily codify this fact, which in turn allows for the bicarbonate to rapidly disintegrate any mass (tumor) due to its ability to have a longer presence in situ, and the inability of the fungi to defend itself.
Strong doses of bicarbonate (500cc at 5% solution [a 20% increase or decrease may be applicable]) are continuously administered over a period of 7 – 8 days with zero tolerance of interruption, as masses of between 2 – 4 centimeters tend to begin to regress from between the third and fourth day, and collapse during the concourse of the fourth and fifth.
Although not all organs within the body can actually be reached by the bicarbonate due to the lack of sufficient dosage reaching its target, most of them can be. It is also worth mentioning that whilst treatment is being given to a particular area of mass within the body, other organs are not damaged in the process (as with traditional medicines) because of the harmless nature of the sodium bicarbonate, and no side-effects are experienced either.

Philip is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Owner of Cancer Cry. He was born in Oxfordshire, England; however, today he lives in Mexico where he has been based for many years, researching and writing about cancer and other health related issues. If you would like to read more of his articles, check out his website - - and at the same time, please recommend his website to others. Thank you for reading Philip’s articles!


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
The truth behind baby carrots

By Sky McCarthy

Published January 07,

  • baby_carrots640.jpg

Baby carrots have become a lunch box staple. Parents love them for their convenience and because they’re seen as a healthy food choice. Kids love them because they’re sweet and fun to eat.
But what’s the real deal behind baby carrots?
After all, they’re not like regular carrots. They’re perfectly shaped with rounded edges; they don’t have the same thick core; and, even peeled, they’re bright orange. And a quick Google search of baby carrots turns up some frightening information on how they’re made and whether they’re really “soaked in chlorine.” What’s up with that?
We decided to dig up the truth on baby carrots, and here’s what we found.
Most baby carrots sold in U.S. supermarkets are really what the industry calls “baby cuts” – made from longer carrots that have been peeled and cut into a smaller size. These carrots have been specifically bred to be smaller in diameter, coreless and sweeter than regular carrots.
Bob Borda, a spokesman for Grimmway Farms, the world’s largest carrot grower (it ships 10 million pounds every day), says that over the years the company has developed a hybrid that combines the best qualities from over 250 known commercial varieties.
“Naturally, you breed carrots to get the sweetest flavor and crunch,” he told
But baby carrots didn’t start out that way. Prior to the mid-1980s, broken and misshaped carrots were discarded, leaving some farmers with as little as 30 percent of their crop to take to stores. Tired of throwing away perfectly good food, California carrot farmer Mike Yurosek took the carrots and used a potato peeler to reshape them into small pieces more suitable for quick munching. Yurosek purchased an industrial green bean cutter to quickly whittle the carrots into the familiar 2-inch portions we still see today — and their popularity took off.
Baby carrot products have been the fastest growing segment of the carrot industry since the early 1990s and are among the most popular produce items in the supermarket aisle – more than potatoes and celery, according to a 2007 USDA report.
While Yurosek’s baby cut carrots have evolved, there has remained a persistent concern from some consumers over how they’re grown and processed.
In order to create thinner vegetables, baby carrots are planted closer together than traditional carrots. In as little as 120 days from planting, the carrots are dug up and trucked to the processing house to be cut and peeled. But before packaging, all carrots receive a brisk scrub accompanied by a chlorine bath.
Wait, what? Chlorine, you say, as in the same chemical you put in your pools?
Borda says Grimmway Farms, whose labels include Cal-Organic, uses a chlorine solution on all its carrots – organic and non-organic -- to prevent food poisoning, before a final wash in water. Grimmway says the chlorine rinse is well within limits set by the EPA and is comparable to levels found in tap water.
Ashley Bade, nutritionist and founder of Honest Mom Nutrition, says the chlorine bath is a standard practice in many pre-cut food items. “The chlorine-water solution is a needed step in the process to limit the risk of food-borne illnesses such as E.coli,” she says.
Yet the controversy over chemical rinsing has caused a minor uproar among organic communities and concerned parents wanting to rid their children’s lunchboxes of potentially dangerous chemicals.
In fact, when
contacted Bolthouse Farms, the nation’s second largest carrot producer, spokeswoman Kathleen Corless said the company didn’t want to be interviewed for this story. “We don’t want to keep perpetuating the myth that baby carrots are dyed or bleached,” she said.
“I have had clients bring up concerns regarding baby carrots after some rumors about the processing of baby carrots involving ‘soaking them in chlorine or bleach,’” Bade said, adding that the carrots are safe to eat.
The truth is that baby carrots are no different from packaged lettuce or any other prepared produce -- like bagged lettuce—you find in the grocery store.
Nutritionists say consumers concerned about the chlorine can just buy whole, unprocessed carrots and wash, peel and cut them themselves.
But Dr. Aruna Weerasooriya, researcher and professor of agricultural sciences at Prairie View A&M University, says a perhaps larger, less known health concern is how the manipulation of certain vegetables degrades their nutritional value.
“When you look at wild carrots, they have high levels of Thymol, a phyto-chemical that is essential for the body to control bacteria and ward off viral infections,” he said. “Now, when you look at some of these new carrot breeds, this type of phytochemical just isn’t there.”
Weerasooriya believes that carrot companies are trading in nutritional value for increased convenience to the customer – and profit for themselves. “Research should focus on how to retain some of these nutrients, but instead companies are probably more concerned about a longer shelf life.”


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
So do they do this chlorine soak w/ the organic veggies also I wonder?
Carrots are so easy to grow yourself and you can grow them in a box full of dirt if you don't want to dig a garden.
You can do this w/ all kinds of veggies. Just grow in pots or homemade boxes.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
BIG BREAKING NEWS!!!! Deadly H5N1 bird flu, that kills over 60 % of those infected now right here in Alberta!!! First case ever in North America!!! And I am sick right now with some cold and high fever... but can't be too sick cause I am hungry and ate big bowl of chicken soup.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
And yesterday Hubby just came back from the old Calgary Children's hospital, (annual three month checkup) which is now for cancer people, took a wrong turn looking for the bathcroom and ran into a ward that was in lock down and taped all up with plastic like isolation ward was set up!!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Sounds pretty awful over there w/ that nasty flu Colleen and take care of yourself and get better. Stay away from crowds and hospitals :bye2:


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I am alive!! My fever has broke, and I woke up sweating to death!! This is a very bad flu season! front page news today, flu death toll rishing!! I have not had the flu like this for many many years, since in my twenty's. I usually don't get sick for more than a hour or two at the most! I usually don't recommend getting a vaccine, but this year it may be a very good idea as this flu knocked me off my feet for half a day! Times like this forget the crappy cheap bottled vitinum C, go right to the source, I ate like five organic navel oranges this afternoon. I had a good sleep too, and if you catch this monster flu get lots of rest!

My ex sister inlaw had a massive heart attack about three years ago, after catching the flu. The flu can weaken you and strange things can happen. This flu is very bad and the vaccines for the flu have much improved I hear. If you are prone to flu's it may be advantages to get this flu vaccine.

Ate another orange just know, love oranges they are my favorate fruit! Feeling so much beeter, not yet 100 percent, but the high fever is gone and my chest feels like it is clear now, except for a little acky now. I got this from peoole I know at work, who were very sick, and my friend from work was sick for days and her dad has it bad and it developed into ammonia!

I am supposed to work in the morning, we shall see if it is gone when I wake up....


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
You sound as tho you are on the mend and sorry but looks like you may have to trudge off to work tomorrow w/all the germy people waiting to attack you for round 2 :chair:

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