This is the bog area both the snorkel bog and the pea stone bog
Snorkel bog is above with the water fall area , stream is to the right
This is the pea stone bog moss covers the surface along with Canna in red , Red Cardinal plant in the center some iris and Micro cat tails well Others i forget what they are. But they grow and thats all we are looking for . the deep green in back the lemon yellow and the pink is in the snokel bog .
Obedient plant to the upper left not flowering as yet in this photo , garlic which is the pic, foget me nots lime yellow in back. bog bean in the front
The papyrus in the middle of the photo i wanted it add it to the pond but didn't want to let it loose so i made a island using a aquablox along with two other pieces to fill in to the shore line the plant was then placed on the perforated panel that is just sitting in the water an inch or so and i placed gravel around the roots on the perforated panels . the idea was to allow for the roots to grow like wild fire uninhibited in th upper pond all the water would have to filter it's way through the mass off roots. this photo was from the spring / early summer it has flourished