Sissy, that is just crazy that something took off with your plants! I would never have guessed that could be a problem!
PondLover, I am keeping the lotus in a pot. Have a feeling that could get ahead of me real quick planted in my pond bottom. I thought about planting it near the pond, but decided it would feel more natural to have it in the pond. Plus it will be great for disguising some of that liner I have showing above the waterline.
Addy, your lotus pond looks really nice, bet it's just gorgeous when they are flowering. I went to Tractor Supply today and got a rubber feed pot to use for my lotus. It looks similar to what they use at the other pond place. It's really thick rubber, so I know it won't be able to break it later on. I was thinking of sort of cutting the other pot away from the lotus and moving it, dirt and all to the center of the new much bigger pot. Keeping the soil from the current pot and the plant exactly as they are, not dividing or anything. I was thinking if I did it this way I wouldn't be disturbing the roots or tuber. Then I could use the kitty litter to fill in around the soil from the original pot. Right now, I can't submerge the pot at all because the plant itself is still a few inches lower then the top of the pot, I have to keep it on the flat rock I used to create my koi cave, with the pot actually being above the water. Then I put water in the pot until the leaves were floating. Still several inches to go before the pot is full of water to be able to put it deeper. If I were able to move it now, I would be able to put it in it's permanent place and it would have plenty of room to grow compared to the current pot. So what do you think? Is that still a bad idea and I should wait till fall? Was also thinking if I do it now I can add osmocote the the kitty litter I add in which should be a good thing, right?
Don't Ask, I assumed the monkey flower would be free. I have gotten free starts from there before. But not with this employee, it was already after she dug it out and then rang it up and told me the total that I realized she was charging me regular price for a marginal. The picture I posted was from their pond on their grounds though. The start she gave me was no where near that big. I wish! My start has 1 fullgrown flowering stalk, and 2 more about half size and what looked to be a decent set of roots.
PondLover, I am keeping the lotus in a pot. Have a feeling that could get ahead of me real quick planted in my pond bottom. I thought about planting it near the pond, but decided it would feel more natural to have it in the pond. Plus it will be great for disguising some of that liner I have showing above the waterline.
Addy, your lotus pond looks really nice, bet it's just gorgeous when they are flowering. I went to Tractor Supply today and got a rubber feed pot to use for my lotus. It looks similar to what they use at the other pond place. It's really thick rubber, so I know it won't be able to break it later on. I was thinking of sort of cutting the other pot away from the lotus and moving it, dirt and all to the center of the new much bigger pot. Keeping the soil from the current pot and the plant exactly as they are, not dividing or anything. I was thinking if I did it this way I wouldn't be disturbing the roots or tuber. Then I could use the kitty litter to fill in around the soil from the original pot. Right now, I can't submerge the pot at all because the plant itself is still a few inches lower then the top of the pot, I have to keep it on the flat rock I used to create my koi cave, with the pot actually being above the water. Then I put water in the pot until the leaves were floating. Still several inches to go before the pot is full of water to be able to put it deeper. If I were able to move it now, I would be able to put it in it's permanent place and it would have plenty of room to grow compared to the current pot. So what do you think? Is that still a bad idea and I should wait till fall? Was also thinking if I do it now I can add osmocote the the kitty litter I add in which should be a good thing, right?
Don't Ask, I assumed the monkey flower would be free. I have gotten free starts from there before. But not with this employee, it was already after she dug it out and then rang it up and told me the total that I realized she was charging me regular price for a marginal. The picture I posted was from their pond on their grounds though. The start she gave me was no where near that big. I wish! My start has 1 fullgrown flowering stalk, and 2 more about half size and what looked to be a decent set of roots.