CE, that's awesome that yours made it afterall! Can't wait to see a pic of it. My lilies seem to like to bloom from about 11am to 4pm as well, at least the only one that has had flowers so far does. Sounds like you need some of those night blooming lilies in your pond so you don't have to wait till weekends to see your flowers!
My almost black is getting pretty close to blooming. It's tallest bud is about an inch below the water surface now, it has 4 buds total at all different levels so I don't think any of them will bloom at the same time, but I am dying to see this flower finally! Maybe another day or two.
Love your lily Addy! Looks a lot like my salmon colored one with all the petals. Very pretty!
My almost black is getting pretty close to blooming. It's tallest bud is about an inch below the water surface now, it has 4 buds total at all different levels so I don't think any of them will bloom at the same time, but I am dying to see this flower finally! Maybe another day or two.
Love your lily Addy! Looks a lot like my salmon colored one with all the petals. Very pretty!