George Zimmerman Trial

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Jun 27, 2013
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he he, first of all Texans don't run they mosey. lol. Just kidding.

In second place, I've never seen a Texan run away from fight yet. I've been here 30 years. I was young when I came out here and I'm from Bronx, New York, use to go clubbing three night a week. Never saw a fight. Down here, when I was young, I can't speak for now, I never seen so many bar room brawls. Texan's like to put up there dukes.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Crazy we have access to all the information that we do nowadays.

If cooler heads prevailed, then this should have been a civil case, which I bet the Martin family would have received something. Now, I bet the Martin family will receive nothing. I doubt Zimmerman is a rich guy, his life is definitely ruined, and he is definitely likely not going to be well off after this case. I would not be suprised if he changes his name and goes into some sort of protection program. Unless, he writes a book about it and give the procedes to the Martin family. Heck, I could see the Martin family being the ones that write the book. It seems like the trend nowadays is to write books when things like this happen.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
The gun has nothing to do with it. It took 2 months, a fired policed chief, and prosecutor shopping by race baiters and the judicial branch to look for a prosecutor willing to bring charges with the lack of evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, on Zimmerman. It is pure politics and race baiting brought this case to court and quite likely gun haters that ironically support the idea of " Trayvon should have also had a gun so to shoot Zimmerman for simply following him ".

The gun was not even introduced until Zimmerman was getting his skull bashed into the concrete...
Skull bashed into the concrete - really? 1/4 inch and a 5/8 inch cut/scratch after having head slammed into concrete around 25 times.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
I just reread the instructions, and feel that he should be found NOT GUILTY .. What I didnt realize was that all six juriors need to be in agreement. I have to hope at least one jurior can READ the law as outlined, so it will at least end in a hung jury, and go on to a retrial ...
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
Yep, that's right. He self inflicted his injuries, punched his own nose also, and bruised his head by himself.
So you think that his statement is accurate and his head was bashed into the concrete 25 times ?
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
crsublette said:
Yep, that's right. He self inflicted his injuries, punched his own nose also, and bruised his head by himself.
I see the comments of his injuries as laughable at best. There needs to be NO VISIBLE INJURY to result in brain damage or trauma. As some are aware, my daughter was the victim of a drunk driver a few months ago. One of the LIFE TIME INJURIES she has been DX'd with didnt leave a mark, or even a bruise on her, but was caused by hitting her head in the accident. Now to hope when we see the neurologist on the 31st, we hear that in time, the results wont be crippling as she ages. She has been DX'd with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), which presently affects her left arm, and left leg. Not a big deal for either limb to randomly feel like they are on fire and have limited to no muscle control, to unexpectly fall or drop things ... after all, there were no marks ... She couldnt substain a brain injury from a bump...
Nov 2, 2012
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near Kalamazoo, Michigan
It is very possible to smash your head on concrete and not split it open. As a fairly athletc and wreckless person, it has happened to me many times. Several times it hurt so bad I coukdnt believe it wasn't bleeding all over. A small person like Martin couldn't get a ton of power into a slam when all he had to work with was a few inches and with Zimmerman resisting. Not to mention that when your head is vetting smashed into the ground 5 smashings probably seems like 50. But what does that have to do w the case?


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Yeah, there appears to be this attempt of taking Trayvon autopsy reports and pictures by the detective, after the incident, to suggest Zimmerman self inflicted his injuries.

The idea of huge gashes in the head after it being bashed into the concrete... I guess ya just have to experience it for yourself to realize how tough it is to actually cause a large gash on the head. The impact and bruising alone would causes more damage than any scratch can show. It literally feels like you're about to go unconscious, which the disorientation is quite likely the reason why he thought he felt Trayvon reaching arounds Zimmerman's side for the gun.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
Hope all the best for your daughter. The point I am making here is the extent of the injuries do not support his statement of his head being bashed into the concrete multiple times. I believe he will get off but it maybe because only one remains to tell the story.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
dieselplower said:
It is very possible to smash your head on concrete and not split it open. As a fairly athletc and wreckless person, it has happened to me many times. Several times it hurt so bad I coukdnt believe it wasn't bleeding all over. A small person like Martin couldn't get a ton of power into a slam when all he had to work with was a few inches and with Zimmerman resisting. Not to mention that when your head is vetting smashed into the ground 5 smashings probably seems like 50. But what does that have to do w the case?

Yeah, I hear ya man. Back in the day, I have been knocked around a few times. Heck, I still am by constantly hitting my head on some farm equipment. It does not take much at all and it actually does feel like ya split your head open... and yet, there would be no blood.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
Yeah, there appears to be this attempt of taking Trayvon autopsy reports and pictures by the detective, after the incident, to suggest Zimmerman self inflicted his injuries.

The idea of huge gashes in the head after it being bashed into the concrete... I guess ya just have to experience it for yourself to realize how tough it is to actually cause a large gash on the head. The impact and bruising alone would causes more damage than any scratch can show. It literally feels like you're about to go unconscious, which the disorientation is quite likely the reason why he thought he felt Trayvon reaching arounds Zimmerman's side for the gun.
Who suggested they were self inflicted ?

If that is all the injuries required in the USA to indicate a life threatening event most school yard fights could end up with a justifiable shooting?
Jul 15, 2012
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Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
dieselplower said:
It is very possible to smash your head on concrete and not split it open. As a fairly athletc and wreckless person, it has happened to me many times. Several times it hurt so bad I coukdnt believe it wasn't bleeding all over. A small person like Martin couldn't get a ton of power into a slam when all he had to work with was a few inches and with Zimmerman resisting. Not to mention that when your head is vetting smashed into the ground 5 smashings probably seems like 50. But what does that have to do w the case?
very true! I havent read all of this topic, and only have seen bits and pieces of the trial because the commentary makes me angree. IMHO, not that anyone cares mind you, the kid should not have been there in a gated community to begin with! The media and those Evangolist people are making it out to be like Zimmerman STALKED the kid, when in fact he was just doing his JOB! Doesnt matter if he was African American, White, Green, Blue or Purple, shouldn't have been there period! When did doing your job become stalking?!?
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