Hello all,
Here are pictures I just took. Almost 2 months since last pics. Sorry, they're not so good but they don't look so good anyway. haha
All I have to say is that pictures just speak for itself. The yield is dismal to say the least.
I ended up giving away over 1000 in early June and kept about 300 for myself. I might be down to under 150 right now due to slow die off from the weak and deformed.
One has grown about 3" and the rest, well, stunted or just look like misfits.
Colour? Haha... nothing compared to koiguy. Not even close. Even the ones I gave to someone and is keeping it in outdoor tank with partial sunlight is getting no results. Maybe it is safe to say, don't pair up two koi that looks like the ones in this thread. The results will be terrible to say the least. Sure, you will get tons of fry and be all excited but at the end, all the hard work, I think I will keep 5 or so just because I raised them myself.
The rest, I will not 'cull'. I will give them all away to a koi keeper that is eager to accept anything from me to try and raise.
It's sad to have seen so many fry die by mistakes I have made with the filter. Disease had taken many lives too. The ones you see here are the lucky ones indeed.
There is one with orange patches but body is deformed. I kept some black ones and it appears those turned into silver/gray.
I wonder where are the kohakus? I still have some with black patches that I reckon will become kohakus but so far, no cigar. At this rate, I doubt there are kohakus even thought the mother is a kohaku!
For those that are totally new to this, please read this whole thread. It contains a lot of useful info especially from someone who never raised that many fry at one time before. I have learned a lot and made mistakes. I honestly think raising koi from egg is very easy. The hard part is raising a lot in the beginning and 130G is just too small for est. 10,000 fry. Culling will be the hardest part (provided the parents are good unlike mine). I think 130G is okay when feeding them live brine shrimp but after a week, transfer to at least 300G (or split up into other tanks) raise them outdoors is ideal. Disease will rein supreme later on and I dosed a lot of proform-c to fight costia. Proform-c is supposedly not good on fry but I had no choice, they were dropping like flies.
Needless to say, I shut down my basement pond since there are no nice fry to raise. I ran the system with 75grams of PP first. I am so glad I did, the filters made the basement smell a little 'dead' for a week and I can't imagine how bad it would be without PP.