I've never heard that type of frog, SE, so must be something not around by me. Had a leopard frog show up in my pond today, first one I've seen this year. Saw another one (maybe the same one that later got into the pond) along the fenceline as I was spraying Roundup, so had to shoo him away before I could spray. Maybe he went to the pond to rinse off! I know Roundup is not good for frogs and toads, but HAD to spray the fence line, at the back edge of my yard. Hope I didn't hurt the bugger!
I usually hear toads (now that I know what they sound like, thank you GPF!) and bullfrogs. Still waiting for the Northern Cricket frogs to arrive. Last year, pond filled first week of June, they were there shortly thereafter, so hoping they will show up soon. Haven't even seen any little peeper frogs,which are also only about 1-1.5" long.