Equipment Homework

Oct 30, 2007
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NW Indiana, USA
TPR = tangential pond return. Use these to create circular currents in the pond and help move debris in a spiral to a drain. Usually, they are located closer to the bottom than the surface.

Does each return in your brother's pond really point directly at a drain?

I have to agree with koikeepr on the bead filters. Though I've never tried one, what I've read does not encourage me to run out and buy one, either.

Are you still thinking that you need a pressurized biofilter? If so, why?

On the debris in your biofilter, I agree. But consider separating bio and mechanical filtration completely. Things are much easier to take care of if you do. The only exception I can think of to this is the sand and gravel, which does both but is easy to clean. Generally, though, you want to leave your bio filter alone and take as much solids out as you can at the pre-filter.

In filter #1, where is the filter media? In the basket, underneath it, or both?

I don't understand filter #3. How are you going to get a vortex going if it's full of bio media?
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
Does each return in your brother's pond really point directly at a drain?
-- Yes, but fittings can be attached if thats bad. I don't see why its a big problem. If velocity is an issue we can adjust it via valves.

I was under the impression that good flow helps with water circulation and growth.

Are you still thinking that you need a pressurized biofilter? If so, why?
-- Yes, because the waterfall and returns won't be able to run without pressure. Gravity returns will not be used.

In filter #1, where is the filter media? In the basket, underneath it, or both?
I've seen it in both areas, but I was thinking in the basket.

I don't understand filter #3. How are you going to get a vortex going if it's full of bio media?
A small vortex or current if that... It was an idea, but the pvc stand will give it the area to create a small vortex... in theory.
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
NW Indiana, USA
raoke said:
Does each return in your brother's pond really point directly at a drain?
-- Yes, but fittings can be attached if thats bad. I don't see why its a big problem. If velocity is an issue we can adjust it via valves.

I was under the impression that good flow helps with water circulation and growth.
Circulation is good. I'm just not sure what your brother is trying to accomplish with the returns. You generally want the surface currents to bring things to the skimmer. As you drew it, it looks like the return currents would push things away form the skimmer.

And speaking of that, are the drains aerated?

Are you still thinking that you need a pressurized biofilter? If so, why?
-- Yes, because the waterfall and returns won't be able to run without pressure. Gravity returns will not be used.
You can still use gravity flow filters before the pump.

How restrictive is the waterfall? Does it have a narrow hose/pipe or spray nozzles? Or is it just that water enters somewhere near the bottom and comes out the top?

In filter #1, where is the filter media? In the basket, underneath it, or both?
I've seen it in both areas, but I was thinking in the basket.
Without a good prefilter, this will be a mess.

I don't understand filter #3. How are you going to get a vortex going if it's full of bio media?
A small vortex or current if that... It was an idea, but the pvc stand will give it the area to create a small vortex... in theory.
Better to give the vortex it's own barrel or tote. Does he have room for that? How many gph will you run through the drains?
Jul 7, 2009
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North Carolina
raoke said:
Not sure why your head hurts..

The pond currently has no filtration which is why I'm here on research duty.

Only the drain lines and the waterfall are in place.

Because in your initial post you said there were BD's and a skimmer and two "inputs" and now you are saying there is no filtration, but that there are drain I'm confused by what is actually in place---or not. And by at the beginning they were inputs and now they seem to be outputs.

So, I'm not sure what exactly is happening based on your changing descriptions. And that's why those of us in this thread have to keep asking you a heap of questions and telling you we are confused, as we are not clear what's in place or not. If you are just looking to figure out what would be a good scenario for you, that would make it easier to help you. We could start from scratch and offer you a good system.
May 31, 2010
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I see... sorry for the confusion. all the lines are in place aka drains, skimmer, return and waterfall. no fiiltration is in place.

I'm here to figure out the best scenario to dive into.

the waterfall is somesort of slit that was cemented into the pond wall. I guess I could attach a barrel to the back and have gravity create the cascade but I imagine it was designed to use with a pump... I could be wrong.

the returns can be routed to flow towards the skimmer with pvv attachments if that's better for filtration and the drains are not aerated.
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
North Carolina
ok, so you've got a built in waterfall from what that sounds like. You can probably attach a DIY filter to it.

Can you snap some photos of all this? I think it would really help us help you.
May 31, 2010
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I haven't been around much, but I stopped by my brother's house yesterday and took some pictures. No real progress on anything yet since it's not a priority but I hope you guys can still help out with the new photos. Thanks for looking :)



May 31, 2010
Reaction score
I haven't been around much, but I stopped by my brother's house yesterday and took some pictures. No real progress on anything yet since it's not a priority but I hope you guys can still help out with the new photos. Thanks for looking :)





Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Fallbrook, Ca USA
If you had some explanation as to what was going on with the logs, we might be able to respond. Are these artificial and part of your plan?

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