But Meyer, methinks you're asking an unanswerable question, no? I mean, does ANYBODY really know how many fish they'll eventually want? Doesn't this happen AFTER we put too many in? I mean, I never sat by my pond and ever said 'gee, that's exactly the number of fish I needed/wanted'. No, most of the time I'm thinking 'I can probably get ONE more and be alright!' And of course, that's the thought for more than a few successive viewings, you know? Check out the Koi Addiction thread and watch Audio rationalize each additional addition. I mean, he DOES have an exit strategy but not many can buy and give away as he's (going to be) doing! Heh heh.
Of course you're right, but you're putting an awful lot of personal responsibility on a person, don'tcha know?? I figure too many would split a seam just tryin'...