Personally I like my bottom drain, since I shaped my pond and sloped the whole pond to the bottom drain I have no problem with muck.....leaves and such on the bottom.....that being said if you plan on babies or small fish the bottom drain is a death trap......out of the 47 baby koi that I raised this year probably twice that many ended up in the pump prefilter......
Your death trap is not the bottom drain, but rather whatever it is you have plumbed after your bottom drain.
My bottom drain is plumbed to a settling tank where often little fish and sometimes my frogs end up. They just hang out in the settling tank until I get around to netting them out. I had two little fry hanging out all summer, in fact, they are still in there.
What sort of prefilter are you using and why?
My last pond that didn't have a bottom drain had a submerged type prefilter that prevented fish from getting sucked into the pump, I always had to fish that thing out of the pond and clean it. It was not an easy or enjoyable task. Also, I was relegated to netting the muck and mulm out of the bottom of my pond when it accumulated and I didn't like the way that stirred everything up in the pond and made the water dirt for a while. Conversely, I find pulling a lever and draining the accumulated sediment out of my settling tank like I do now is far simpler and has no effect on the clarity of the water in the pond.
When I learned about pond drain systems I thought "that's the way to go", and now after having one I certainly don't regret it.
And I'm sorry, but the whole fear thing about not wanting to cut a hole in your liner to install a bottom drain is a bit ridiculous and not a very valid reason for not wanting to have a bottom drain. I'm not saying everyone has to have a bottom drain, there are plenty of other types of ways to plumb and filter your pond, but cutting the little round hole in the liner once you lay it over your bottom drain is a very simple task and should not dissuade someone from installing a bottom drain who might be thinking about installing one. Anybody who is able to take on post-toddler challenges from brushing their teeth to driving a car should have no problem successfully cutting that hole in the liner and installing the top cover of the bottom drain without screwing it up.