I'll give it to you koiguy.
I'm still not a fan of plants in a filter. When the crud gets on the roots, I ain't interested in sitting there shaking off plants to rid them of what has clung to 'em. I ain't interested in having plants caught up in my media, possibly into my pipes, and I'm not interested in removing plants every time I want to clean out my filter media either. I'm sure you could put em in one of your plant containment thingees to make it easier.
I rarely comment on plant matters or posts. It's just not my expertise and I'm just not that into them. In my case, I believe they are more of a hassle then they are worth. I've had them for years, rush, lilies, marginals, etc. With my new pond this is the first year I haven't had them, and I've been happy not to have to clip yellowing leaves. My water quality is has been no different without the plants. And with the amount of aeration I have from my bottom drains in my pond at the moment, I've got plenty of oxygen happening.
Don't get me wrong, I admire a beautiful lily in the pond and always waited expectently for them to open--but I'm just tired of clipping, pruning, etc.
But I encourage anyone who wants plants to have them and put them wherever they please.