And to
@MitchM But does it still hold true that low O2 will hit the larger fish first? And toxins will hit the smaller fish first?
And on another, related note, if your O2 levels are good, all of your water parameters are good and consistently so, and [as far as you know] there are no outside toxins getting into the water, is it possible that there's something "toxic" being created in the pond that could hurt the fish? No, that doesn't really make sense because I would think anything like that would also affect the water parameters....... Hmmmmm.......
OK, then is there any way you could TEST for this? No, that goes back to water parameters......
Darn! I'm frustrated because I've been having a similar problem as
@bettasngoldfish, though not as devastating. Just finding the occas. dead fish with no evidence of illness or injury; nothing showing up on microscopic exam [that I can find]. At first this was happening around the time we'd have some really bad thunderstorms so was suspecting lightening. But it's still happening -- a fish here, a fish there. Small to med-sized fish. My trapdoor snail population is thriving. I'm finding viable snails of all sizes, so know they have to be different generations. And my tadpoles are thriving. I tend to see them as a barometer. So what can be going on if nothing is going on??