and here's a little insight for you, CW; I've built and rebuilt my original waterfall SEVEN times. Each time, I thought it was good. Until looking at it from the patio with a drink in my hand and seeing all the areas I could have done better. Seems others here have done similar. Thing is, in year 7, I thought; 'finally!' and in year 9, I expanded, having to take it all apart AGAIN!. So, there's something to be said for plans (I'm fully in line with those ideas) and yet, there'll always be something you can do, if you want to, to increase your enjoyment as time goes on. It's inevitable. And I think by everything you've asked and what I've read, you're doing great as you probably won't have any LARGE tweaks, but small ones that will keep your interest up in this hobby. I think when you don't interact with a hobby, that's when it starts dying.