I blame those pig shit soaked milk crates
Those crates were as clean as my bum after blasting it with the bidet while playing Wordle when I installed them. Seriously, though, I've had no string algae, little string algae, and lots of string algae. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate have never measured anything other than 0.
It seems there is more to learn about string algae than science has yet discovered. Some think it may be able to feed on sunlight alone. Some have 5 ponds the same size in the same place with the same conditions with the same water source and only one of them has string algae. Or 4 of them do and one of them doesn't.
Seems we know for sure some things invite it and make it worse. If you correct those things and still get it, then it's just bad luck and we don't actually know what to do.
In any case, I picked up a more sensitive kH test, a H2O2 test, and 4 more 13lb bags of baking soda from Costco. Gonna put on some hip waders this weekend to remove as much remaining algae as I can, get a more accurate pond volume reading using baking soda, and then dose the hell out of it with H2O2 and see what happens.