Country Escape's 2nd pond - Goldfish only


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks, JW, that's exactly what I need! A seine net, where it will sink to the bottom, and I can gather all the fish in one end, and net them from a smaller area! Thank goodness I have no rocks on the bottom. Just going to have to get around the fountain, but that can be moved around, as it's in a bucket. Woohoo! I think we have a plan, Houston!
Also, I realized that Whiskey's idea of me putting a waterwheel in the stream may work after all! He mentioned to have it in 12" of water, which I didn't think I could do, but maybe I can, if I sink the area where the waterwheel will go! I could easily make a deeper "pool" area toward the end of the stream, there is plenty of space to put a brace on each side, and put the waterwheel in the stream. I don't want it running rapidly, just smoothly and slowly! And, if it's in the stream, the worry about it throwing water backwards, as if it was above the pond on one end, won't be a worry, as it will be only pushed by the water at the bottom, not taking water from the top and falling to the pond below. So, more thought will go into this for the weekend projects. :)


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Wow CE things are really cookin up right for ya w/ all these things ya wanted to do. Now get crackin before it gets too hot cuz the way you guys weather is going it could be a real scorcher back there. You might just need to put a nice floating chair in your pond to keep cool after you get done doing all this pond work!


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
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United States
They do that in kitchens to as it makes it easier one outlet trips they all trip .Thats why I tell people that have GFI outlets to look at the ight if it is on it is tripped .It is cheaper for an electrician to run off one GFI .My son said really there should be one GFI switch for 4 outlets ..He said he would run 2 lines and put 2 GFI's one on each line .He told me that if it was ever inspected it would not pass code in most houses .A home inspector would catch it also if he was a good home inspector .GFI's cost more money then a regular outlet and the electrician was saving himself some money and he said you should check your bill to make sure he did not charge you for more GFI's .That is if he itemized his work .
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I'll check the bill, Sissy. I specifically stated I wanted GFI outlets, so they would be up to code for outside outlets. If I get called on the carpet if I ever sell my house, they will have to come back and replace one of the outlets on the other quad box to make it up to inspection. They have been in business for a long time, so they will be around for a long time yet, I suspect.
JW, when I get my new seine net, I'm going into the pond to seine it! LOL You should come and swim with me and my fishes. It's pretty warm water. It was at 60 before last weekend,and we have had 80's ever since, so I bet it's up to close to 70 by now. LOL I'll hate to get in there and stir up the water, but there shouldn't be too much to stir up, and whatever is on the bottom I've cleaned out already. I mainly want the goldfish moved to the other pond. It will upset them all, getting corralled with the net, but I have no choice. AND, when I want to sell some fish, it sure will make it far easier to catch them!
Mr. or Mrs. Bullfrog was at the overflow to the bog again this evening, so I moved some rocks around so no fish can jump into the bog anymore. I just wonder if that bullfrog has been hunting my fish at that overflow! We all know that the fish congregate at waterfalls and overflows, so that crafty bullfrog may have been hunting at that prime spot. Well, I put an end to that! LOL At least it will have to sit on top of the rock, instead of hiding under the overhang, to catch it's prey.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I'm back on my water wheel kick again for the new pond! I had originally thought of putting it at the far end, by the shelf, so it would be most visible from the deck. BUT, I worried about the high winds where I live, with no trees to block it, so I scrapped that idea, worried the wheel would possible flip the wrong way and shoot the water out of the pond. Whiskey suggested putting it in the stream, in 12" of water, but my stream didn't plan on being that deep. THEN, I got the idea why not dig it deeper at the end, but have the waterwheel somewhat down in a "pool" in the stream, so that it has more water to hold it from going the wrong way, and use the water from the stream at the bottom to push it around. So, I'm rethinking the idea once again. That will be my "treasure" to myself for this pond! I'm not in a big hurry to get it bought or installed, as it can be put in at any time. I ordered 5' wide piece of liner for the stream, but he had a 7' wide piece leftover, so gave it to me for 5' price! So, I have 2 extra feet on width just in case I do decide to dig it deeper. I think I'll just stay with fairly shallow, so the water is running over the rocks, not really deep. But, I may make some indentations in it along the way to place pots of plants along the stream, too.
Nov 11, 2010
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Chicago Area
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United States
Hi Country, I don't know how big your bullfrog is but when i had one I was always worried about mine eating a fish. I had seen a youtube with one eating a fish, but I think they are virtually starved before those videos are taken. My bullfrog never went after any of my fish thankfully and now the frog is gone who knows where. The waterwheel idea sounds great. Post a picture of the kind you are thinking of when you get a chance.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I had posted a different one from this website (, but this is more how I will do it now that I'm thinking of the stream idea. Won't have a roof over it, at least not in the beginning, but may use blocks or rocks of some sort to pretty up the braces on each side. :)
I've just always loved water wheels, so if I can incorporate one this time, I will be thrilled!
I'm pretty sure my bullfrog didn't eat any of my fish, but you never know! And, maybe he was the one luring them to jump over the overflow! I just hope none of the baby koi tried that feat. LOL I'm going to order a seine net to corner my fish, so I can catch the goldfish and get them moved. I've not seen much more chasing, so I'm hoping they quit for a while. Maybe because there is nothing but the sides of the liner and pots to lay eggs on. Nothing floating yet.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
That's a very nice looking water wheel CE and I'll be right over for a nice dip in your pond,lol! Actually it's quite sunny here right now.............must be all the good vibes you guys all sent us cuz tomorrow is supposed to be nice also...............not by any means as warm as you all have had tho. Maybe get in the 50's if lucky!
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Great, JW! I just checked and my pond is 70 degrees!!! The bullfrog just croaked again. It's funny, cause he just croaks once or twice, and that's it. I hear him almost every evening as I sit here at my computer.
Just learned my daughter is coming home for a week in mid June. Hope the peepers are done mating by then, or she will not be very impressed with their loudness all night long again. LOL Maybe we will have to change bedrooms while she is here. heehee
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I got my trapdoor snails delivered today, and OMG, are they nice! Ordered from Ebay, the guy told me to wait until spring when he got new ones from his pond and he would send all big ones. I ordered 50, so I would have enough for both ponds, plus my 2 aquariums, and he sent at least 58! Then, can't even count how many babies dropped from them, maybe another 30 at least. I put all the babies in the aquariums. Darn it, though, my killifish each snatched one as they were falling to the bottom! So, hid the others I put in that tank (the 2 killifish only feed from the top) and put the rest in the goldfish tank. Also put 3-5 of the big snails in each aquarium. Didn't put as many per gallon of water in the new pond, since there isn't any algae to speak of, although I'm sure it's growing as I type. I can always relocate from bigger pond to the smaller goldfish pond, if necessary.
This weekend, my plan is to get the bog dug (hopefully I won't be digging mud) and filled with pea gravel, and mulch my flower beds if it's too muddy. With the extra liner for the bog laying over the ground, I'm hoping the water is draining away, rather than down.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
They sound neat CE and great you got all the extras plus babies. Will be looking for more pix of your pond/bog build coming up this weekend! Can you show pictures of the bog very carefully to us that are thinking of building a bog. Would like to see how you lay the pipes down and the slits you make and all that step by step stuff but only if you feel like it. I know you want to get it done as fast as you can cuz you have limited time.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Sure wish I could find some good sized rocks CHEAP around here! Or, better yet, wish I had a place to go find them in a creek bed. That would be even better, but all the places I can think of, I would have to walk a long ways with each rock. At my age, I think I would be better off buying them. We shall see. Found 1.5 cu yds of the right size and shape and color but it's a long drive away. They say it's approx 2 ton. Does anyone know if that would be about right? These are the rounder type of rocks, they say 2" to 6", and they want $250. I can get half ton for flagstone for $150, so figured this was well worth it if it really is close to 2 tons. That would be 4 times the other stuff. The flagstone is on a skid, they would deliver it, but it's all flat. I'm tired of flat everywhere. I'll use what I have left in the stream, but want more natural looking river rocks (more rounded) for the edge of the new pond and the top edge of the stream. Also, and this may sound stupid, but I have a 3/4 ton HD truck, 6.5' bed. How much weight could I haul in there? I know more than 3/4 ton, but wondering if a truckload of rock would be too much. I also have my horse trailer, so could easily load it all up in that, but then using more gas, more tire wear, etc. so trying to decide if I go for this deal, if my truck would be able to haul it or if I need to empty the old metal out of my horse trailer (scrap it for money!!!) and take that. Thoughts?
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
JW, I will definitely post tons of pics while I'm building the bog. I'll show the PVC pipe and the slits, just like Addy taught me in her bog post. :) And, I'm still trying to figure out a way to wash the rock. Thinking maybe putting it in the tractor scoop, spraying it with a hose, letting the water run off. Could get a lot washed that way, I think. Doing it in a 5 gal bucket by hand swishing it around, that was hard work! We'll see if I figure out an easier way to do more!
Cooler weather but still around 70 this weekend, so perfect weather to be outside working. Hoping the rain is over with, although I only got about 1/3" of rain total so far. Today just a chance (maybe 30-40%) so hoping it misses me this time, so it will be dry digging. I HATE to dig in the mud. LOL

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