I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I'm back on my water wheel kick again for the new pond! I had originally thought of putting it at the far end, by the shelf, so it would be most visible from the deck. BUT, I worried about the high winds where I live, with no trees to block it, so I scrapped that idea, worried the wheel would possible flip the wrong way and shoot the water out of the pond. Whiskey suggested putting it in the stream, in 12" of water, but my stream didn't plan on being that deep. THEN, I got the idea why not dig it deeper at the end, but have the waterwheel somewhat down in a "pool" in the stream, so that it has more water to hold it from going the wrong way, and use the water from the stream at the bottom to push it around. So, I'm rethinking the idea once again. That will be my "treasure" to myself for this pond! I'm not in a big hurry to get it bought or installed, as it can be put in at any time. I ordered 5' wide piece of liner for the stream, but he had a 7' wide piece leftover, so gave it to me for 5' price! So, I have 2 extra feet on width just in case I do decide to dig it deeper. I think I'll just stay with fairly shallow, so the water is running over the rocks, not really deep. But, I may make some indentations in it along the way to place pots of plants along the stream, too.