Well, if he was about 20 years older, and single, I would definitely be VERY interested in him. LOL And, although I think he is a self proclaimed bachelor, he does have a live in girlfriend.

Let me tell you, he can stop by here anytime he wants. Talk about eye candy! I'll see if I can find a good picture of him. His crew is who put the new roof on my barn last fall. But, best part is he is just extremely genuinely nice. I think he feels like he needs to take care of me, since I'm all alone. He has learned that I never ask for favors, he's always saying, "I could have helped you" or "you should have called me". Not many around like him anymore. OK, enough about Blue Eyes.

I already said I decided the goldfish were smarter than me, and I was going to have to get a larger net to even think about catching them. Well, this afternoon while I was pruning in my bog and cleaning out more algae, I noticed something red. Sure enough, one of the babies from last year swam up the overflow from the main pond into the bog! So, I got the net and put him into a bucket, transferred him to the goldfish pond. Then another one did the same thing, and a third fish! I thought this was a pattern so kept watching for more. LOL I have about 3-4" of water in my bog, which is going to change, but for now that's how it is. In all, I got 3 goldies, all babies from last year. Not sure if they were just frisky, or if they were being chased, but they were easy pickings for me once they were in the bog. So, 3 down, about 17 to go. LOL Here are pictures of the 2nd and 3rd one. The first one was solid orange, but I didn't think about taking a picture. These are both about 4".

And, just for good measure teehee, here is a picture of mini daffodils in front of regular sized ones. I love the little minis. They are sooo tiny, less than an inch across.