Hey, guys, thanks, glad to know this IS the Obedience plant! I love it, and have these 2 that I am guarding with my life. LOL I think they multiply well, so will have some next year then. The rough ones must be the marsh one, and I don't care for them as well, and they have few purple flowers, but not nearly as showy. Love this plant.
The goldfish are doing ok, but not good. Lost I think 3 more last week, but then I was gone from Fri at 4 a.m. until last night at 12:30 a.m. niece's wedding in MN. Glad I'm home! I have been e-mailing with Dave54, and he asked me to recount all the info again, thinking there was the answer in all the info staring us in the face, but we were missing it. Then he told me about a chemical that may very well have been in the fungicide that was sprayed, that effects goldfish, but not koi, thus the "staring us in the face" fact, as there are 3 koi in that pond, totally fine still, and why would the koi pond not have been affected by the spray, if that is what the problem was! So, going to call the farmer tomorrow and see if they will tell me the chemical that was used. Neighbor that is my friend, her husband farms, warned me about farmers not wanting any change, and "city folk" that move to the country piss them off! LOL Well, I've been a country girl since I was 23, so I'm pretty sure I will guard the farmers well, but I feel IF this is the problem, then all I have to do is remind the farmer to please let me know when they will be spraying the fields, and I will cover my ponds tightly so nothing will drift into the ponds. That's an easy fix!!! And, I do have the right to protect my fish. I will know more once I find out what the chemical is, and then can ask Dave. He has been a godsend to me on this whole issue, asking more questions with private e-mail, sent me a friend's whole book about fish diseases, although it won't open for me ... and asking more questions. That's why I've not been posting much about it on here. But, thanks for your worry and concern. I'm still working on the problem, and adding more water today, slowly, will let it overflow.
And, if this chemical is an issue, I have not helped the goldfish pond, as I've allowed the koi pond to overflow into the goldfish pond twice since this all started. Now, that doesn't seem like it would be a problem, koi are not dying, right? Well, IF the chemical is in both ponds, and I've done big water changes in the goldfish pond and they were getting better, I just introduced more of the chemical tainted water into the goldfish pond! Geesh ..... but now I know not to allow that, and if I find that is what the problem is/was, I will do water changes in the koi pond, too, to get rid of any residue in that pond as well. Time will tell ....