Converting 15,000 gallon in ground pool into a Garden Pond

Dec 16, 2017
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United States
Yes.... the key is circulation keep everything moving . so if your bog is above the deep end i'd try to get the main pump toward the shallow end . The tricky part in my eyes is the power cords to the pump id a submersible is used and people go swiming in the pool both the power cord being accessible and the intake of the pump can be down right a deadly equation they need to be made un- accessible so no one can pull on the power cord and no one can get their long hair pulled into the pump, or other. you could dump the pump in deep end have have circulation jets in the shallows.
Feb 15, 2022
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United States
Hi and welcome!!! I have seen a number of ”in” ground pools converted to fish ponds. Basically you need the same things as part of it as any other similar sized pond such as mechanical and biological filters, pumps, aerators, etc. If you think you want to build a bog there are a few choices. You can either build a stream with a small pool that you could place floating water plants that would do a good job of filtering your water, or you could drain the pond and build a retaining wall so that your pool/pond would be a little smaller but the bog would be in a section of where the pool was. I did that with my own pond.. ie making it smaller and putting a bog inside it. Another idea is you could make your bog as an island in the middle of the pond, but it would take more work to plant it and maintain it. Also just wondering what type of fish you were planning? Don’t anyone yell at me if I missed that part. There are a few choices such as a water garden with plants and goldfish and other fun creatures or one of those boring Koi ponds with nothing in it except big fish swimming around. I prefer to be somewhere in the middle!
Sorry for the late response and thank you for your info! I would definitely like to put a retaining wall in the pool if possible! That sounds like something I should hire someone else to do however haha.

I want local fish and a lot of them. I really would like some largemouth bass, even if its just a couple, Tons of freshwater sunfishes of course, some form of mosquito fish, and I dont think is doable but a red finned or chain pickerel would be gnarly. I would definitely want some turtles. I also imagine there will be frogs in droves along with every other animal that seems to love my current bright blue chlorine death trap.

I have no idea how these forums work but if possible could I see pictures of what you have done? Do you have any in progress? No problem if you cant but I am very interested
Feb 15, 2022
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United States
Yes.... the key is circulation keep everything moving . so if your bog is above the deep end i'd try to get the main pump toward the shallow end . The tricky part in my eyes is the power cords to the pump id a submersible is used and people go swiming in the pool both the power cord being accessible and the intake of the pump can be down right a deadly equation they need to be made un- accessible so no one can pull on the power cord and no one can get their long hair pulled into the pump, or other. you could dump the pump in deep end have have circulation jets in the shallows.
I would very much like to make this something that is obviously not for swimming, but I guess there is no end to human stupidity when it comes to bodies of water.

Best ways to make them unaccessible?? Could I use a form of substrate as a barrier?

Can I take a boat paddle a just swirl the water around a few times instead? :ROFLMAO:
Feb 15, 2022
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United States
to add to the conversation; I'd take some readings to make sure what's in your water and if there's anything to worry about. As FishGuy said, chloramines don't dissipate very fast at all. And you'll want to know basics like pH, KH (which is pretty important). If rain has been filling mainly, it will be acidic and low KH, hence check first before adding anything, including plants.

Raccoons tend to upturn pots looking for meals and they WILL grab a fish if it's near the surface and/or if you have shallow shelves for them to wade out.

Anything you put underwater will eventually turn green and be almost indistinguishable, esp if you have floating plants and anything else to look at. I'd not put 'white' anything underwater if you can't wait for it to green up, though.

Most have their nets up 24/7. There ARE ways to do this though that are less obtrusive. For instance, you could run a cable high enough you don't really notice and have a 'draw net' that you move to one side every time you want to sit and enjoy, then you draw it back to protect when you're gone. Not hard and is useful.

Yes, with a bog filter that pours back into the pond adding aeration, that's all you'll need. The only maintenance is thinning out plants periodically. If you keep your pump UP OFF the pond bottom, you don't need to worry re mechanical filtration. A bog, though, is chiefly a biofilter--that's where the magic happens!

addy will tell you a floating island, if you're not going to net the pond, is an attractive landing spot for herons...jus' sayin'!
Sorry for the late response and thank you! Definitely a great idea to do thorough readings of the water especially after seeing the necessary chemicals just to get my pool to run correctly!

Black PVC seems cooler to me anyways!

I think I might have said this earlier so sorry for getting lost in my own thread lol but is it wrong of my to be completely fine with raccoons, herons and ospreys coming down to catch fish? I love raccoons and birds. I think that would be so cool. And I would like to be using fish that are not even remotely threatened in terms of conservation. Whereas animals like herons or raptors could benefit from an occasional snack. Let me know if I am just being an idiot lol
Feb 15, 2022
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United States
okies, I get first whack atcha! heh heh (don't worry, Boss has me on a leash lately, so I'll be nice! or at least as close to it as I can!! ;):D:cool:)

Yes, you can convert.

Lots of people fill in the deeper areas but i don't see any real reason why.

[Edit] ah, okay, SECOND whack; I see our resident lil Queenie stomped on by...

I would say you don't need a new liner but I'd make sure the one you got is cleaned well. Now, if your liner is aging, might be a good time to consider a new one just so you can get those 20+ years while you're still young!

Bottom drain is no issue and you CAN use it but it's not necessary.

Plumbing for your pool MIGHT be an issue if there's standing water in them all the time and no movement; for this reason alone you could use it for aux current, but I'd make sure any wildlife can't get into the plumbing. Again, peeps with pools are needed NOW!

I'd not use the pool pump as most pond pumps are designed for 24/7 use and yeah, that's how you should use it. There's a reason.

Not sure re the skimmer as I don't have a pool nor a skimmer on my pond; others can chime in. Again, you don't need one for a pond but others see it as beneficial. Sort of depends on how much falls into your pool/pond.

I'd not set up any pond where you expect wildlife to live that you wish to see. If all you want is a natural pool, then yes, you can, but you'll have a swampy mess, eventually as there's also no water movement. Now, if you move the water, you get a pass, at least for a while. In the end, a filter keeps the water clear enough for you to see and the fish to thrive. That last part; very important or we'll be seeing a LOT of you in the Newbie Forum...

Think about a bog filter; it'll make you smile when your realize there's practically NO maintenance once it's established. Just thinning of plants periodically. Search the forums here, take a looksee; you'll note a lot of us are in the BFC. Again, for a reason.

That should get you started writing out your next set of questions...

[edit] I guess I get SECOND whack as I see our resident lil Queenie stomped on past...
Circling back around to this, thank you again for your info. The newbie forum sounds like a great place for me right now haha.

Period thinning of plants sounds like cake. I do that often for my garden anyways and it is therapy.

When you said get a new liner, do you mean a swimming pool liner like I have or a EPDM? I was thinking that latter.

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