Today's update...
On Sunday I was able to take out yet another large rock from the deep end...
But alas, this is to be the last one out. I did my best to dig underneath the other really large rock poking out (see photo below), and eventually managed to get my crowbar under it. Ended up just bending the crowbar without budging the rock. So I got a a long metal pipe to give me more leverage. Bent that too...
So, with deep regret, I'll have to leave these other beauties to their eternal rest beneath the pond (glove for scale).
So now, having removed multiple buckets of gravel out from beneath the stones, I'm left with a considerable overhang in danger of collapsing. That's actually rather convenient, as I still have a fair bit of digging to do to widen the deep zone, carve out the area under the waterfall, and dig out the intake bay. Now I won't need to take all of the stuff out; I can just shovel it into the deep zone and push it under the rocks.
But, uh oh, looks like one of my koi has escaped!
Nice tancho sanke, even if a bit fuzzy...
So today I got a start on the intake bay and worked a bit more on getting the shallower zones fleshed out a bit. Making progress!