Laughing jw.............think he went to sleep!
&&& If your bogs are bottom fed, I'm assuming that IF there were a clogging problem, that there's still someplace for the water to go so that there's not a lot of back pressure on the pump, right? Or is it that the area is so large (the bog) and there IS NO clogging that this means that the pump operates more or less normally?
I don't figure to get any leaves as the outside world will be 'screened' out. Not to say I won't get something but I'm figuring it won't be much with my current plan.
If there is a clogging problem, it could be in the pipes, if in the pea gravel the water would just find a different path. The clean out pipe are to removed any obstruction. We used 2 inch pvc to decrease any chance of that happening.
My pump goes just into the bog, and mine bog is large, I watch the water coming off the water fall, it lets me know when to clean the leaf basket, a slight slow down of flow.
My pond and bog and 3 mature trees within 20 feet of it. Therefore the leaf basket lol
I have shelves, between the bog and pond, made it easier to make the wall for the bog. My shelf is around 2 feet down, it is working great for the lilies, iris and other plants. Deeper than most predators would like.
Koi will trash almost all pot and floating plants, goldies / shubunkins, don't seem to, at least mine don't.
&&& yeah, I see this now; would be much better to feed the plants right from the pond. I was only working to fit the bog where I'd already had a 'river' planned. But I'll rethink this and see about relocating the bog. Looking on my project earlier, I don't think I have quite 5' of area as I thought, so moving the bog might be better for this reason as well. Do you think if I had a deep channel instead of a wider, shallower area, that this would be commensurate? Is the bog filtering a volume metric or do I need to be worried more about square footage (area)?
With a bog you are better with a wide shallow area. My bog is deeper than most of the net information says it should be, but it is also wide and long, 4-6 feet wide, 27 feet long.
The surface area you have planted is what helps with the filtering along with the pea gravel.
I don't have a bottom drain (cut in liner drain) but my pump does draw from the bottom. I have only used external pumps, prefer them over submersibles. I do have a skimmer, we still need to get it hooked up, esp before the trees start dropping their leaves. I bought a pool skimmer, hayward, large weir, large leaf basket, could even hook up a hose to vacuum via the skimmer if I want to.
Koi and plants
koi and frogs
Big fish and fry