Now if I could just talk the skies into stopping the incessant rain, I might have a chance to finish this project. It seems to have rained at my home in southern Ohio 3 out of every five days for the past month! And the darn pond liner keeps filling with rain water. That would be ok, if I was ready to fire it up, and add fish. But right now, it takes only a few hours for mosquito wigglers to appear. And the news media in our area has reported West Nile Virus being confirmed in a few local mosquitoes, so I cannot take a chance with my family's health
. So every time it rains, I find myself down in the pond, arranging pumps, hoses, and extension cords to pump it dry again and again and again. I end up exhausted after several hours of work, with NO new progress on the pond. GRRRR!