Your pet pictures

Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
High Desert Zone 7a
Here is my cross eyed meezer Alpha Strike F-4 Wildcat, BTW he RULES our house.

Baby pics, he has always been ornery LOL:



And adult pic

And our tabby cat Emma, she is old and tired, she is a good girl:


My Chihuahua LeoDegarius (the meezer still hates him after 4 years)


This one was taken after a long day of him watching me working in the yard, it was exhausting for him:


And Leo on his snow trail (not this winter LOL) When we get snow I have to pack down a trail for him or he wont go out and go potty. Spoiled little brat.


And here is our newest addition to the family Mitsubishi A6M Zero Sen


Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Wow, now those are some big names! Haha, I wonder how your call that "kitten", now adult?! Love the original names. Betta is really pretty. I have a dark red one at my office on my desk, just could not handle being somewhere 9 hours a day and not seeing fish. LOL When my betta flares out, he has bright blue at the base of all his fins. Does yours have really unique coloring on it as well? Bet it does! Looks really pretty.
And, Pecan, I see you have made your rounds around the forum very quickly! I feel like I'm following you. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
High Desert Zone 7a
I have always liked big names for pets :LOL: We call the siamese (yes now grown) Alpha, we call the Chihuahua Leo and the Beta we call Zero, Emma is just Emma (my DH named her). You should see the look on the vets faces when we take any of them in and they ask what their name is :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

The Beta is all red he doesn't have any other colors. But our last Beta Francisco (may he RIP) was red with blue on his fins too. :razz:
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Cool! I got a pink beta first (Pink Floyd), because it was different. He only lasted 2 weeks before he started looking very sickly. He lasted another month, then died. Got the more common red colored one, and he is doing fantastic. Delta, since I had just gotten my ticket to UT when I bought him. Good eater, shows off a LOT, very healthy. They had an orange one when I bought the red one, and decided "different" was not always good.


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
I think it's pretty obvious how much we all love our pets. I love it. I have had a dog as long as I can remember and my children have had everything from guinea pigs, to lizards, to pygmy goats, horses, etc. :razz:
Here is my Peanut again with his elephant. He still holds in as if he is nursing, just like he did as a puppy. Of course Cody knows that it doesn't belong to him so he will purposely take it and run!
photo (31).JPG

Here is my husband's beloved Great Dane, Jr. We lost him to cancer this past June. He was only 6 years old and it was an awful thing to watch. We miss him very much.
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
High Desert Zone 7a
I am so sorry for your loss pondlover. Loosing a pet can be very painful. I had a dog for 12 years who passed away and it took me very long to recover. It has been 6 years now and I still get choked up from time to time thinking about him.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Animals are very hard to lose, for sure. Your great dane is a very unusual color, I don't think I've ever seen that color before. He was beautiful!
I have only lived in my house for 2.5 years, and from July. of 2010 until January, 2012 (just 18 months) I lost 5 dogs! While gone camping in July, 2010, my 2 year old Boston, Bugsie, died of heat stroke. Then my 8 year old Golden Retriever, (my best friend) Sophie died of baseline tumors in her heart in December, 2010. Four months later, my 5 year old Golden, Cameo, suddenly lost weight in short order, died of liver disease. Both of these had many vet visits and lots of meds to keep them with me as long as humanely possible. Then, last summer, a 9 month old Boston male pup I kept from my litter the year before got run over by anhydrous ammonia tanks in front of my house. The driver thought he was going to stay on the other side of the road, but crossed after the pickup truck, didn't notice the tanks. And, a month or so ago, that Boston's mother, Olive Oyl, got hit by horse hoof (not stepped on, she got swiped on the up-ward motion of the hoof) and neck broken, instant death. I watched it happen and was shocked at the outcome to say the least. I have quite the pet cemetery going on and it hurts me deeply to know what wonderful pets I had and how many are gone in just 2 years time. I had more dogs than I needed, but to have them all die within such a short period of time.... It's hard to lose a pet. That's just all there is to it. I feel so lost without a "big" dog around here, but fear the "dog death" monster is still lurking. Yes, we all love our pets, and they give us many fond memories that we have forever. :)


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
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Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
Ce you are so right. I'm so sorry bout your beloved ones that have gone. When our Dane got sick we took him to three different vets and it sounds like he was much like your cameo. He lost Appetite, lost weight, had no balance and eventually suffered with seizures when my wonderful husband knew we had had him long enough and it was time. Husband had already prepared his final bed, a 6 ft x 5ft stainless steel box that I had placed his babies aNd his blanket. When u live on a farm there is a pet cemetery that my husband has placed his beloved pets. My daughters 10 yr old cat, alley, is resting right beside jr. Even with the heartache that does come when we lose one, I will always have. Place in my heart for another.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Aww, Joann, CJ is cute. I have a beagle, too. Someone dumped him in our area 2 years ago. He is the best dog. VERY loving, very gentle, I can see him being a perfect pet with very small children. Smokey loves to play with my Boston. When my other Boston died, I started leaving Smokey in the house all night, even though he refused to stay in the crate with Denali, my brindle Boston. :) I can't imagine why anyone would have dumped him. He does like to chase my barn cats, but just for the fun of it. He has never killed one, even with 2 Bostons helping him in the chase. Maybe the cats are smart enough to see them coming. But, I think he does it for the chase. :) Here's Smokey relaxing on the deck.
Smokey taking a nap on deck.JPG
This picture is really small since taken with my phone, but it's my Golden Retriever, Sophie, mothering 2 fostered raccoon babies. She would carry Jethro to the barn, Ellie Mae would run along with me, but Jethro would cry for Sophie to carry him. LOL They were so much fun! I raised them, then slowly let them stay outside longer and longer, until in August they didn't come back home. Sophie would "look for them" in the woods if they were sleeping and I couldn't find them.
Sophie and kids.jpg
Here are my 2 Goldens - Sophie sitting up, then my daughter's Hunter on left, my Cameo in middle, and another dog someone dumped, I called him Big Red, on the right.
One day Cameo came home with this mallard. She didn't kill it, but still not sure if it got hit by a car, or someone shot it.
Cameo with a dead mallard and Denali.JPG
And, Tarzan on my big aquarium.
Tarzan on top of aquarium.JPG
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks, JW. I have a couple of stories to tell on my beloved Sophie!
When she was young, my daughter had her male and our plans were to raise a litter of pups. When she was old enough, almost 2, we tried, but Sophie would have nothing to do with Hunter. AFter seeing how she adored the baby coons (and they adored her, like their mother!), I decided to give it another try. After 2 more failings with other dogs, I finally got her bred, and she had 9 pups. A few years back, she had her last litter which were 6 weeks old the day before Christmas, and all pups were sold but 2. After Christmas, we had 6" of snow, and the following day, both pups were gone, as were Sophie and Cammie! I freaked out! I lived in the country then, too.
Let me back up some. Sophie knew the command "find it", but always had to show her what "it" was. Ex hunted dove, showed her dove, he would shoot, I would tell her to "find it" and she would bring it back. Baby coons were referred to as her "babies", so when they would wander to the woods, and I could not locate them, I would say, "find the babies", and she would run to the woods, nose to the ground, until she located where they went into the woods. When she would spot them, she would wag her tail fast and whine. She was looking at them and then I could find them. :)
So, when the pups went missing, Sophie and Cammie came back with one few minutes after I got outside, but the other was lost. I was frantic and told Sophie, "Where is the baby, find him!" Well, she went directly to the edge of the woods where the baby coons would go, and searched and searched. I was sure she was looking for the pup, but realized later that she was not. I had confused her! So, about an hour later, I could wait no longer, took her back outside, but this time we went to the pen with the other pup, and I said, "Good puppy. Sophie, where's the puppy? Find the puppy!" Away she went, like she knew exactly what I said! And, she did, because she headed into the woods in a totally different direction this time. I followed her, with her nose to the ground, up and down hills, we went 1/2 mile up and down hills, I kept encouraging her, and her tail was wagging so I knew she was on a trail, I only prayed she was on her pups trail. I would call occasionally for the puppy and finally I heard a far off yip! I ran to the edge of the woods, and called again, heard it again, and saw the pup jumping up high as it ran, trying to see above the 24" tall dead grass! I screamed and ran toward him, calling Sophie, "Puppy, Sophie, puppy!!!" She, however, was still on her trail and not giving up! When I got to the pup, it was like a slow motion Walt Disney movie. LOL He was soooo happy to see me, wiggling like none other. Finally here came Sophie, and I called and she saw the puppy and came running. Wow, was that an exciting day, with a very happy ending! Especially since I had the brother sold, and while I was searching for the lost puppy, got another call and that guy wanted the lost pup, and I had to tell him what had happened, and if/when I found him, I will call him back. So, it was with tears of joy in my voice that I called the guy back with my victory of locating the lost pup. That little guy was 7 weeks old and how he got as far as he did I will never figure out! But, alls well that ends well! Thought you would enjoy my story. :LOL:


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Like a little kid, exploring and wandering along, until can't find the way home. Neat story ce, glad you found the pup.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
The great sniff and explore walk, they can be tough little things.

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