it would work but I'd steer away from this idea for one reason; you LOSE valuable pond visibility. That is, anything/fish that goes beneath you can't see. It's like having too many water lilies; some are nice--a necessary function of shade and flowers--but if half or more of your surface is covered, you have to wait for anything to emerge. I think the outside-of-the pond bog idea will treat you better in the long run.
As an idea for getting at your plants to thin; you can build your box against that wall and once you have the gravel in, place some long, narrow, approx 1-2" thick sandstone pieces near but not on the edge. You then use this 'path' for walking on to get at thinning the plants. It's what I did. Mine also double as 'channel' makers for the outpour over the facia wall.
Doing the above then gives you more volume+surface area for your bog (based on your pics, imo).
IF you were to go the way of the mortar box, you would NOT need any liner (or wood walls) as the water can spill over the sides and if you wanted one particular area, you cut that side down an inch or so and voila! instant waterfall/cascade. I did something like your pic (NOT in the pond, but above and outside my winter turtle pool system) as an axuiliary bog; just pea stone over a pvc manifold with slits, and a small pump from the turtle pool.