Tmann, I can't take credit for the landscaping...the head groundskeeper around here is
Cliff, he's an avid gardener...
To answer your quention...the beds all around the pond are planted with perrenials.
ground type covering such as vinca vine, english ivy, hostas, ferns, purple palace,
forget me nots, just to name a few...they're are others as well. He also has Japanese
Iris, buttercups, bearded iris, poppies, and more well as low growing evergreens.
The object is to have everything fill in early in April, and then in the beginning of May he puts
around baskets of impatients, begonias, petunias, etc...these pots are buried into the ground coverings.
thus, instant gratification, without weeding! ...There is no room for weeds around the pond
or any other of the flower beds for that matter.
The pond also has 'shelves' all around... the shelves are about 15" deep x 12" wide. they're
not visable cause they are rocked all the way up to ground level...we also plant between the rocks
on these shelves, both in pots and bare root. it is pictured in the pic below, the taro and umbrella
palm are planted bare root on the shelves.
all the flowers you see on the big waterfall as well as behind the dog are in pots...the object is
to make them look like they are growing in big clusters from the ground...
Another thing we have is lotus pots that are planted outside the pond. The pots are buried
ground level and look like they're coming from inside the pond.
I'll find lotus pic's for you...
ok, this lotus is growing in a buried pot at ground level, it's over 6 ft tall.
this is another example of dense planting...
this is a cute you see the chipmonk leaning on the rock with one
hand and staring down the hound?