herzausstahl said:
So Addy how far down in the pond did you try to seal the liners? Mine would be about 3-4" below the surface of the pond and I was going to seal it all along the stream liner to the pond liner. Anything to avoid? What problems did you end up with yours? My goal was the stream would be 10" deep and filled with river stone for the bottom. The water level would only be a couple inches, basically whatever would stay in the stream channel. Also what is a good depth for the header pool to overflow into the stream? My goal is a little header pool at the top overflowing over a stepped falls into a small pool that would empty into the stream, any advice?
My past hubby did it while I was at work, he and a friend sealed it 4 feet down in the pond. I suggested to them that would not work, but ummmmmmmmmmmm he iggied me lol. Well it leaked and leaked big time. They had already put a ton of rocks on the piece of liner going into the pond (I didn't want them either sigh) oh well he and friend did remove the rocks so I could then get the sucker un-sealed.
I then started at the very top of the liner sealing it every couple inches across the connection and down the edges using sealant and double side tape, then taped the the seam with single side tape. The pond liner edge, in the stream bed was lower than the pond level. About a foot down from the pond level, so we had some water pressure we were fighting.
There is always some movement while your pond settles, what ever you use make sure it attaches well to your liner, and I would tape the edge where you overlap. My liner rejects sealants, so when I do a connection I use flashing sealant (for roofs it is flexible), double side tape and single side tape the edges) Sort of overly cautious now.
My header pools for my stream water falls are around 10 inches to 2 feet deep (I have a bunch of mini ponds in my stream, 100 to 300 gallons or so, never really measured them). You want it to be deep enough to collect some water, before it waterfalls over.
Sounds great, keep posting pictures