Why would you not vote for Trump or Clinton be specific.

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I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Yep @sissy it would be nice if we could all just say and do things like back in the old days but now everything is supposed to be politically correct. I'm gonna say and do whatever I believe is the right thing to say or do. Not gonna worry what others want to say or do as long as it doesn't affect my rights. Not gonna say bad things to others and no disrespect but gonna stick up for what I believe is right. Nobody is going to tell me not to read the Bible or say Merry Christmas as I put my trust in Christ and that is why I celebrate Christmas. I'll celebrate the way I want to and enjoy the somewhat freedom we have left here in the USA. If I want to put a manger scene in my yard or an American flag up I will. If someone wants to put up a Muslim flag or KKK or Black Lives matter flag I won't like it but it's their right to do so. I think Black Lives matter is just a front to create more racism. The world is a mess and it's not going to get much better. Maybe for awhile we will get a respite now and then but on the whole, down the tubes it's headed. In my opinion times have not been changing for the better. Tolerance is fine but there are times when fighting for something you believe in is the right thing to do. One can end up tolerating themselves to death! Our rights are slowly being taken away. That's why I voted for Trump and w/him in office we may get one of those little respites for awhile anyways.


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
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United States
Those flags and those people only hide behind them to do illegal things JW and I can't believe they think they have the right to burn the U.S.A .flag .There flags are reasons to riot and destroy and cost taxpayers money


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
They don't think they have the right, they do have the right and why if they don't believe in this country and the way it was formed then why don't they just leave and go bother some other country. Try to do what they do here in another country like Mexico, Soviet Union, Cuba, back in those Eastern area's, etc. and see how far they get. Some people are just in this life to make trouble and they don't care who it hurts. Rebel w/o a cause lots of them. Lots of young people today are mad and want to fight and they don't even really know why. They are just sheeple. Lambs led to the slaughter. One day they will wake up and wonder how things got the way they are and it won't be fixable............too late!
Jun 11, 2012
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Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone

I'd say if someone is saying "Happy Holidays" to you, then they are showing a lot of tolerance and courtesy towards other people's personal beliefs. Not something I'd personally want to punch them for.

Hope that make sense?

Of course, punching someone is a metaphor.

But no, I do not want to water down my cultural upbringing just to hopefully avoid offending someone.
I am proud of my culture and traditions.
If someone wants to move to our country, then they should have to adapt to our ways, not the other way around or try to change us.
I have yet to come across someone that is offended by "Merry Christmas", it seems to be something that the ultra politically correct seem to think they need to do "just in case".

Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
You guys seem to be running with the misconception that just because someone doesn't believe in Santa Claus and all that other nonsense that goes along with it that they must be from another country other than USA or Canada. Not true, in fact, most of those beliefs were brought into North America from other non-English speaking nations.
Also, keep in mind this topic got started not because anybody was suggesting taking away your right or freedom to believe in all that stuff, rather it got started because I questioned why it bothered Mitch so much when other people simply exercised their right and freedom to not have to go along with it and say Merry Christmas.

If you want to say Merry Christmas, put pretty lights on trees, hang stockings and tell your kids there is a Santa Claus, go for it. Nobody is stopping you or even question your right to do so. (Although you might get question where you'll find those customs in the Christian Bible). You are also just as free to believe in the Easter bunny and dress up like the devil on Halloween if you want. Just don't be offended or put off when some other person exercises their right not to do those things or say the customary greeting that goes along with them.

I don't think that is so unreasonable.
Jun 11, 2012
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Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
If things were switching over to another culture, that would be one thing.
"Happy Holidays" denotes no culture at all.
I enjoy visiting other cultures. If I felt someone was compromising their values in order to accommodate me, I would feel awkward and unwelcome.
We need to embrace our differences, not try to make everyone the same.

If we all want to be the same, maybe we can start by dressing in Kanye West's fashion line.
Maybe we should all cut our hair off as well, we wouldn't want to offend anyone in that department either.




Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
Why would any one think his clothes are anything but trash .Looks like a bunch of homeless people in rags,looks like itchy burlap to me .Does he really think those things will sell .Some of the clothes you see st these fashion shows are the worst things I have ever seen .People buy them just for the name .Just like stinky perfumes
May 5, 2013
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Le Roy, New York

If you want to say Merry Christmas, put pretty lights on trees, hang stockings and tell your kids there is a Santa Claus, go for it. Nobody is stopping you or even question your right to do so. (Although you might get question where you'll find those customs in the Christian Bible). You are also just as free to believe in the Easter bunny and dress up like the devil on Halloween if you want. Just don't be offended or put off when some other person exercises their right not to do those things or say the customary greeting that goes along with them.

I don't think that is so unreasonable.

Unfortunately they are trying to stop you and have succeeded. It's all done in the name of not offending anyone. All it takes is one person to say that it offends them and the activity is barred. Or for that matter someone in authority that may think that the activity may offend someone and it's barred. In schools you can no longer have a Christmas pageant. In College you can no longer where a costume that offends someone or give a speech on free speech because it is being given by someone with different political views.. In the town hall you can no longer put up a Christmas decorations, I'm guessing that it's the same law in Iran and Iraq. So we are starting to slowly agree with them on things and I'm sure more of the same is on the way in the future. The Supreme court can start it's session with a prayer but the same prayer can't be said in school. Banning an activity is legal but making it legal is illegal . As J.W says "Our rights are slowly being taken away". We still have the right of free speech, or do we? I guess if you are saying something that doesn't offend the listener then we do. What ever happened to the phrase my mother used to tell me when I was a kid "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" ? Try telling that to the snowflakes that are running around now and see what the say.
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May 5, 2013
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Le Roy, New York
Why would any one think his clothes are anything but trash .Looks like a bunch of homeless people in rags,looks like itchy burlap to me .Does he really think those things will sell .Some of the clothes you see st these fashion shows are the worst things I have ever seen .People buy them just for the name .Just like stinky perfumes
I honestly thought that this picture was a joke but I just searched it and it's true! Lets put it this way if this was the 50's he would be put away in the K ward at the state hospital. Now he is considered a genius. Any wonder why Trump wants to make America great again? No one knows exactly what that term means but he could use this picture as a campaign sign. Yes call it intolerant but at times I can't stand it any more.
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Jun 22, 2011
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Unfortunately they are trying to stop you and have succeeded. It's all done in the name of not offending anyone. All it takes is one person to say that it offends them and the activity is barred. Or for that matter someone in authority that may think that the activity may offend someone and it's barred. In schools you can no longer have a Christmas pageant. In College you can no longer where a costume that offends someone or give a speech on free speech because it is being given by someone with different political views.. In the town hall you can no longer put up a Christmas decorations, I'm guessing that it's the same law in Iran and Iraq. So we are starting to slowly agree with them on things and I'm sure more of the same is on the way in the future. The Supreme court can start it's session with a prayer but the same prayer can't be said in school. Banning an activity is legal but making it legal is illegal . As J.W says "Our rights are slowly being taken away". We still have the right of free speech, or do we? I guess if you are saying something that doesn't offend the listener then we do. What ever happened to the phrase my mother used to tell me when I was a kid "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" ? Try telling that to the snowflakes that are running around now and see what the say.

I've enjoyed listening/reading these threads lately because of all the different views. Just wanted to chime in on this one part of your quote, mg;

It's not true you ever had 'freedom of speech'; try yelling 'fire' in a packed auditorium when there is no fire and see how free you are to say it. This sense of entitlement in the US is only what we think we have, and this is just one example. If you admit you don't have freedom of speech, it then might alter your perception and thinking. Like it would/should everyone's. I don't think you want to say anything that hurts another but expressing how you feel about your religion shouldn't be anything worse than asking what flavor ice cream you like (even if you don't like ice cream!).

But it is and for a reason; something inside understands there's more to life and it's root is based in religion/belief. You feel threatened when someone puts forth that their 'holiday' is the 'true/right' one and yours isn't. Even if you have none. (and I know some don't see it that way, for them, it's a matter of putting forth THEIR happiness at the occasion and wishing it for you) For those offended, I can't understand why; if you believe in what you believe, whatever I say shouldn't bother you in the least. If it causes you to think on other possibles, there's nothing wrong with thinking. I'm not forcing you to do anything, including thinking, just because I say something religiously personal. You can walk away and leave me to babble to myself! But I know many would say I don't even have that right, that I'm then forcing my beliefs on them, ESPECIALLY if I do it in a public place (school, for example). And the ironic thing is this; the school system is already forcing beliefs in the form of science religion. Yeah, I said it; science, though understandable and verifiable for the most part, still is ultimately a leap of faith (like most say of religion) in that there is no proof something came from nothing. Still, that's what is still 'evangelized' in the schools. They're not teaching anything with enough evidence that would refute say Creationism. IMO, if you teach one, you should teach them all. OR, a better idea, let the parents decide after doing their own due diligence, with the idea their kids can re-open the issue upon their own greater understanding.

Okay, that probably stirred the pot far too much, but well, I do have freedom of speech, don't I? heh. When responses are non-threatening, non-personal, then I'll know if I do or not...

Just a simple example but most people don't understand we don't have 'true' freedom to say anything we want at anytime anywhere.

That said, I understand the basic idea of what you're trying to say but that's the problem with absolutes; there's precious few of them. The trick is to figure out which they are and don't fold when society/culture presses in.

For my part, I was asking my wife yesterday re what I've been reading here. I asked; ever had anyone get mad at you for wishing them a Merry Christmas? Then I turned it around and asked her what she'd think if someone wished her a Happy Chanukah or Kwuanzaa (not ignoring the rest but these were the two that came up in my life experiences)? She had to hesitate but then said she'd wish them a Merry Christmas to which I had to tell her they are not all the same. The idea she felt she had to 'support' her belief in the face of others is, I think, a natural one.

And though Meyer is socially correct in that religion shouldn't be part of forum discussion, that all by itself gives me the same feelings as not saying Merry Christmas, etc; why can't I give my opinions and do so without anyone taking offense? It's human nature and our reactions to such topics being brought up. I accept I can't do this but shake my head that I can't. No one says you have to participate in a discussion but if you do, I think letting everyone have a voice is as important as listening to it as well. Same here; I'm with Mitch in that I see a lot of what I take as fond memories re Christmas 'doings' as being outdated and worse, de-valued. But, that's the problem; too many are believing in only themselves and so, there isn't really a real sense of community anymore (imo). Like jw said, I too believe most of 'culture' here is going down the tubes (wait; sissy said that!) and though some changes were needed, I really think the whole pc thing is worse than having/taking a passionate stand.

In the end, there's now so much 'me' that I can understand why division of 'we' the people has happened.

Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
I enjoy visiting other cultures. If I felt someone was compromising their values in order to accommodate me, I would feel awkward and unwelcome.
OK, lets talk about disrupting cultures for a minute.
The culture and custom of saying saying Merry Christmas was brought to Canada and the USA from somewhere else, it did not originate here. It was brought here and literally forced down the throats of the native people living here, totally disrupting their ancient culture, not to mention a lot of other not so nice things that happened to them. All by the very same people who brought this "Merry Christmas" culture. Now that their culture has been destroyed and any "awkwardness" has passed, and they have been made to conform and look more like the people in the picture you posted, I find it hard to understand how you could feel put out because someone is saying Happy Holidays to you.

Maybe it's just me. :(

They best culture is one of tolerance and understanding. (y)
Jun 11, 2012
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Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
If there was another topic that could inflame a discussion more than the environment, the plight of indigenous peoples would be it....:(

My views could be considered a bit brutal, so I apologize in advance. I don't mean to offend anyone.

#1, the indigenous people of North America were immigrants themselves, they just got here before the Europeans.
#2, the current plight of North American indigenous people is the result of when 2 opposing sides go to war, the winning side does not completely kill off their opponent.

In an attempt to "try to get along" we have the unintended consequence of creating a group of people that are entirely dependant on handouts, with a never ending cycle of guilt competing against progress. In a strictly military and practical sense, it would have been better for our European ancestors to have completely finished off the then current inhabitants of North America.

I would much rather remember the First Nation people of North America as they once were, not as they currently exist.

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Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
If there was another topic that could inflame a discussion more than the environment, the plight of indigenous peoples would be it....:(

My views could be considered a bit brutal, so I apologize in advance. I don't mean to offend anyone.

#1, the indigenous people of North America were immigrants themselves, they just got here before the Europeans.
#2, the current plight of North American indigenous people is the result of when 2 opposing sides go to war, the winning side does not completely kill off their opponent.

In an attempt to "try to get along" we have the unintended consequence of creating a group of people that are entirely dependant on handouts, with a never ending cycle of guilt competing against progress. In a strictly military and practical sense, it would have been better for our European ancestors to have completely finished off the then current inhabitants of North America.

I would much rather remember the First Nation people of North America as they once were, not as they currently exist.

Brutal yes, but I appreciate your honesty. You are probably right that from a logistical sense it would have solved a lot of the existing problems had the natives been totally wiped out, and from what I understand that was the goal of some of the settlers and military at times. But I hope we can both agree that that doesn't make it right. What happened was brutal enough, especially considering we didn't actually come as conquerors. Initially we came as visitors, then immigrants, and it wasn't until there was a clash of "cultures" (there's that word again), that we decided to become conquerors.
In any case, it's just another glaring example of intolerance of one culture to another. Perhaps the whole thing started sometime around December when one of the natives said something similar to "happy Holidays" to one of the European pilgrims. :mad: :punch: :dead:
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