Evening all, bit of a long day today as i ended up at the doctors with a swollen leg due to getting bitten on the calf by some critter while doing the water change yesterday! I have antibiotics but if it swells any more i have to go to hospital as the pain has travelled up into the thigh area and the doc said its a pretty bad reaction.
I thought this pond lark was supposed to be safe and relaxing?
anyway, fish are looking ok, still very much underwater and not gasping at the inlet. I did test the outside tap, and the ammonia level was zero, so that rules that out. I would like to test the water coming out of the hose though, in case that is contaminated. But as mentioned by others, its probably the scurge at the bottom of the pond. Its thick, and gloopy. I put my hand in yesterday and the rubber glove looked rather distasteful when i pulled it out
its still very murky, so im keen (and a bit more confident now) to go ahead with removing the fish and doing an all out clean.
Yes, i do have a kiddie pool, a few of them! so i can at least borrow one and use it as a temporary tank while i get the job done.
Again, thanks for all the valuable input, its greatly appreciated